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Yeah well of course. Withdrawing is in line with their objections to journalistic integrity and being honest with the public they lust to grift and rule over. That's another thing: rules, which they can't follow anyway so why bother. Nothing new. I didn't see it coming but am not surprised nor do I care. I don't want to see some a-hole like Trump running his lying mouth off again anyway... interrupting, calling names... don't need it.


Because they have no ldeas, not one. The Republicans turn it into a name calling shit show anyway. Spineless hypocrites.


Look at how unfairly they have been treated, no wonder. Not even letting them interrupt the other person in a debate, it's like they are expected to follow the rules or something.


They must have realized that every time they open their mouths, they only hurt their credibility.

They don't like any venue where they don't control every aspect; that's why they're in love with the idea of an autocracy, be it despotism, oligarchy, or fascism... anything but democracy. They don't want any checks on their behavior because it's easier for them to control others for themselves rather than control themselves for others. Simple idea for simple, undisciplined minds.


The clearest proof of their cowardice and vacuity.


The spoiled child act has often been effective for them so they're not going to dump it.


They’ve just turned into a circus act anyway. I stopped watching them years ago.

I don't like watching them either but it's perilous to turn ones' back on these types of people.


Who exactly were they going to send.........


Every day they pull further and further from standard political practices, and more towards their delusional and rabid plans for insurrection.

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