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I guess this is just an experience for sharing. Today I sat at the end of a row of chairs near the door at the barbershop. The waiting area was empty except for a young mother and her youngest, a boy which I later found out to be <3. his brother was currently having his "turn" in the chair. The younger one was moving around the room, fingers exploring any opportunity to be occupied. 3 times when passing by my seating he stopped and looked me in the eye, smiled, and then moved around to my left shoulder and hugged me. then he merrily continued his exploration. you can't get that in a cereal box.

hankster 9 Apr 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Ill behaved children are not to be blamed for their immaturity. I mostly prefer to not be around their unbridled noise. I wish no harm to them. I just prefer the quiet that is not being around their incessant movements. But, on occasion in a public place such as a public laundry facility, a gem of a child will interact with me on such a touching level, that I wish I could have one as a pet.


I can see and almost feel the grin that put on your face. Thanks for sharing.


You were part of the game he was playing with the world. Lucky you.


Adorable when kids acknowledge you're a part of humanity!


Kids bring me so much joy. If I could make enough money to live on playing with kids all day, I'd be on it! I had a little one about 3 look at me one day and say, "You're fretty." So sweet.


How precious. A good day for threes.

@hankster I'm sure I've missed some, but you got the important ones... The three of you waiting, a less than three year old boy, and three sweet little hugs. The others are immaterial.

@hankster Thank you for sharing. It made me smile.

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