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If you can retire early, what you will do in your Life?

I mean Retirement here; stop working for money and build a passive income, and I mean early here when you still young not over 60.
For me, I will start to learn new things and gain new skills. Also, will start to practice new sports and traveling.

SteveRobertusa 4 Apr 25

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I have 3 things I want to do eventually.

  • VIsit Australia during their winter I would die during the summer.
  • Play the WSOP Main event in Vegas. A 10K US poker tournament
  • Also play the Main event in the CPT in Montreal also a 10K poker game.

The odds of getting them done no have no idea I'm working to change things about my situation so hopefully.


I did retire early, and I'm still not sure what I'm doing, except trying to enjoy myself. Lots of reading, some writing, walking the dogs, visiting with friends and family.


I'm living paycheck to paycheck, and even that doesn't cover my bills most weeks, so no retirement savings for me, and consequently no retirement.


I have an actual plan. Retire aged 56-57.

Pay off my mortgage, sell the house, use the money to buy a plot of land in the Scottish highlands.

Build a house with an attached coffee shop/book shop.

That’s pretty much it.


I have a bucket list I've been working on and I have three states out of 50 left to visit, Maine, Hawaii and Alaska. I also plan to ride in a hot air balloon and take a cruise. Retired or not, I will accomplish this. I'm an artist so I suppose I'll never retire but will have to quit curating at some point when it is no longer physically possible. I would also like to have a best friend again to share my life. That's sort of a priority.


Become an introvert.


I don't know that I ever want to completely stop working. I think I'd like to be able to continue doing what I'm doing now but with limited hours.


My wife and I plan on moving down to Mexico where we are going to build a house on some property of ours. We plan on doing that in the summer of 2020. I'll be 55. We'll spend time working on the house, traveling around a bit, and whatever else comes up.


I did retire early and volunteered at a mental health resource centre, took a degree in fine and applied arts - I sat on prof Bamfords review of adult mental health i& learning disability in Northern Ireland - leared to make raku pottery - These days at 70 .Y.O. I mostly garden only 4 minutes from the sea so I pick up my five pieces of plastic each day and also collect driftwood for sculptures. I have a nice life.


Don't want to retire ever... I'll kick the bucket working


I plan on traveling ,staying healthy and some work helping people. Pretty simple.


Space Ninja. So 2050s


Space Ninja. So 2050s


I think it already happened, as I've timed out on being able to teach in Thailand.


I will never retire and its likely neither will any of us!


I did.
Since then I've been enjoying my time, even if it's sitting around listening to the wind blow.

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