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Our once very right wing paper posted this letter to the editor about gender issues. I may start trying to write letters to the editor to them as well since they published this.


Lorajay 9 Apr 18

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Joe Quigly did not write zero trans athletes competed and exceeded girls sports records. TEACHER Quigly did NOT state zero trans boys were allowed to shower with real girls. His vague claims may be accurate regarding trans prom queens or lesbian marriage of adult high school seniors non existent in a redneck state capital school system.... I know a few OK ACLU attourneys who HAVE NOT filed a single "trans rights" case as MANY other state ACLU supervised law school students have in the past few years....the OK gubnor just signed the worst mandatory pregnancy law in the nation .... how is the OKLAMOMAN dealing with this OBSCENE law destroying reproductive freedom to choose medical RIGHTs ???

I can't tell you how the Oklahoma is dealing with the forced pregnancy law because I don't take the.paper.


Becuz, oh, i dunno, PEOPLE (even young ones) tend to be just PEOPLE IF not confused by regigious nutards screaming hatred......


“The Oklahoma City Public School District (OKCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of race,...., and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.”

Well that's just great. Forbid discrimination against a laundry list of previously discriminated against classes, but then, THEN, give special access to an organization that discriminates against and excludes ATHEISTS.

Fuck Them... (Assholes...)


It's right wing nutjobs pandering to other right wing nutjobs. None of them are capable of rational thought.


Bayard Rustin lived in my town, and our local high school is named after him.

I had to look him up.

His alma mater is just a couple of miles up the road from me.

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