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This dumb ass drunk man harassed Mike Tyson on an airplane — and lived to regret it.

Unfortunately he’ll get a lot of money out of it — if only because Tyson’s hands are considered lethal weapons. But I hope it doesn’t encourage other freeloaders to harass celebrities to get settlements out of the altercation. Such rubbish.

IMO, Tyson was much more provoked than Will Smith. But he hit the man repeatedly. He really screwed up. He really can/might get arrested.


Apunzelle 7 Apr 21

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What if the drunk makes claims trying to get lots of money and then nobody saw anything. Maybe that drunk just fell down a couple of times.


Why did not the flight crew

  1. Not serve him alcohol &
  2. do their job preventing him from harassing Anyone?
    Methinks if I were Tyson's lawyers I would be looking to sue the harrasser!
    I know for a fact if I were on that plane & a drunk harassed me similar stuff would occur & then I would sue the airline & the harraser!

Right? I can’t believe the flight crew was oblivious to the harassment.


I don't feel much sympathy for tyson. Although I do appreciate his boxing and appearances. He is a convicted rapist and he maimed that one boxer by biting off a piece of his ear.

Tejas Level 8 Apr 21, 2022

The guy wasn't hurt that badly. He had a knot on his head. Mike Tyson voluntarily left the plane. He knew he fucked up. That will cost him. My question is: Shouldn't the flight crew have asked the guy to not harass other passengers? This could've been prevented.

My thoughts exactly. It was clear he was being harassed … flight crew should have stepped in.

@Apunzelle Yes he should've complained to the flight attendant. He had no right to beat up that passenger.

@barjoe Yup! Especially because he’s a top professional boxer.

What's the old saying "don't poke the sleeping bear".
He deserves what he got and he shouldn't get a dime!
I'm not saying that Tyson shouldn't be punished but not anymore than the aggressor

@Apunzelle Latest is that the video was taken by numbnuts friend. The clip was stopped and the "victim" threw water on Mike Tyson. After Tyson reacted to what was an assault he miraculously resumed filming. Iron Mike could probably kill a man with one punch. The guy didn't look too badly hurt and he has retained the service of a local personally injury lawyer, which he did immediately. I smell a litigation scam.

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