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Oh look! There are finally shamefaced Americans who are morally & ethically prepared to return stolen property. I wonder if such decency will extend into other fields? No, Biden wants to bribe Russia's top scientist to defect to America.

The Smithsonian Institution has adopted a new policy to allow its museums to return items that were looted or unethically acquired.

“There is a growing understanding at the Smithsonian and in the world of museums generally that our possession of these collections carries with it certain ethical obligations to the places and people where the collections originated,” Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie Bunch said in a statement Tuesday.

Will they also return the millions of dollars made from the exhibiting of the items?



‘Largest’ US museum considers returning looted artworks []

FrayedBear 9 May 3

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Has no one realised the lie contained in "let's demonise Russians & exterminate them" but on the other hand "recruit, steal, suborn or kidnap their top scientists to enable us to carry out the genocide?


Aside from your links not working, almost every museum over 50 years old has had at least at one time had stolen or ill gotten materials on display. Until a few years ago, it was unimportant who had owned the objects.

Thanks for that Glenn. I won't use Yahoo URLs again!
RT URL still works here in Australia proving that in some things we haven't gone down the American "keep the citizen's uninformed route"!

@FrayedBear We can rely on you to keep us (or at least attempt to keep us) uninformed.

Can you hear a sheep 🐑 going baa, baa, baa?


Let us admit that many, if not most major museums are, by and large, the beneficiaries of colonial confiscation.


Q: Why are there pyramids in Egypt?

A: Because they were too heavy to move to the British Museum.

[rim shot] 😄

Good one. The clincher was that they didn't have enough redcoats with backpacks to fit the individual pieces in.


Nations recruiting scientists from other countries is certainly nothing new, especially during conflicts. Not sure what that has to do with stolen property in a museum…..🤷🏻♂️

I was scratching my head at that too.

@JonnaBononna it's frayed beard's hatred to anything from the US, an ungrateful Aussie who would be speaking Japanese now, had the US not saved their asses in WW2.

@Mofo1953 Australian chocos - chocolate soldiers were the first to inflict defeat on the Japanese. The location Milne Bay in Papua. The chocos were young inexperienced minimally trained Australians.
I suggest that you read & comprehend "A Nation of ‘Geophobes’

Amid rampant Russophobia and Sinophobia, America’s penchant for ..."

@FrayedBear they won a battle but did not defeat the Japanese who were about to overtake your ungrateful island, you can't revise history dude, be thankful you're not eating sushi every day because like it or not you were losing the war to the Japanese, any history book knows it and recognizes it, so be humble, be thankful and STFU.


I remember when the Pope was more upset that the Bush American troops were stealing the ancient artifacts from Iraqi. More than the woman and children being killed.

You mean someone managed to out-thieve the Catholic Church?
Tut tut!
Can't have that.


Hard to beat out the space age looking mafia organization. The cold greed wars.

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