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If a fertilized egg is a person, then why don't we celebrate conception days instead of birthdays? You would think that the day you were imbued with God's holy spirit would be a much bigger deal than any mere birthday. It would be easy enough to count back nine months...😂

Flyingsaucesir 8 May 11

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Hahaha. You guys are so clever. I'm glad you got to have a birthday. I hope more people conceived survive people like you to also have a birthday.

Level 1 Dec 7, 2022

Don't give them ideas. lol

Betty Level 8 May 12, 2022

I know this is in the silly, random and fun section, but that could actually be a bad memory for the mother, in some circumstances, and difficult for adopted children, or children from abusive homes, so I'm glad it's not a trend.

I do have a friend who celebrates her "conception day" and I thought that was cool, but not everyone had a happy date to celebrate. I surely don't want to picture my conception. After my sister and I were likely "mistakes" my mom had her tubes tied.

After having a fairly unhappy life for the first 51 years, I started my life over with fresh beginnings, and that is the day I celebrate as my new birthday. The day I chose to say goodbye to my unhappy life and begin my best life with an aim toward happiness. It's only a few days after my biological birthday, so I actually celebrate all week, or all month, haha!


Maybe it's because if we celebrated conceptions it would remind us of all the ones that God (the world's most active abortionist) killed off before they were ever born.


If a fetus is a person, why can't we claim it as a dependent on our taxes?
Is having a live birth 'birthday' that significant to the IRS?🤔

Or is it because the IRS (and the government?) doesn't think a fetus is really a person?

@RichCC Bingo


I knew exactly when and where my second child was conceived. It was the only night that the first child fell asleep before her daddy did. We were all in one bedroom at the grandparent's house. I grossed out child #2 when she was in early teens, after she visited her grandparents and I mentioned to her she had been made in that bed.

Poor teenagers. Their minds often feel fucked when they realise that their parents fucked each other, and they are the direct result of an effective such fuck.

Cheap joke at their expense: they need to grow the fuck up.


I have a feeling it would be pretty hard to hit the exact conception day in most cases. For one thing I carried one kid 10 months and the other one 10 and a half months based on the bladder infections I always got the first week or so.

Despite that you make a great point and may start a new fad among the fanatics. It could also be a boon for the commercial retail area. There could be Happy Conception Day cards, balloons and gifts. Two or three Tik Tok videos would probably be all that is needed.

Does the exact day really matter that much?


Yes but. "Did you not tell me, that daddy was away at sea on that day ?"

That's one bastard of a reply!

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