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So, I have a processing delay between what I hear and my brain. This makes it difficult for me to watch movies or tv. I usually almost always have captions on, so I can catch everything.

I don't usually go to the theaters because of this, combined with other people making noise because it makes it hard for me to hear what people are saying.

Well just in time for Avengers, the warren in wichita got closed caption devices! This changes my theater experience and I'm super excited.

This got me thinking about people and when you're in a relationship.

How do you feel about captions on what you're watching? Does it bother you?

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I prefer captions. I'm hard of hearing, but my housemates complain all the time about noise. Solution? Keep it at a volume they can handle, and turn on the captions so I know what's being said. Win-win.


I can't catch all the dialogue in movies, so I use captions when possible. Sometimes though, I'll get so caught up in reading the captions I miss the action!


Hearing loss makes captions almost necessary for me. I try to ignore them unless I need them.
I had a gf who said "Turn off that writing on the screen!" the first time we watched TV. That didn't work out.

I'm sorry!


I love foreign movies - that's how captions and I became friends. Then I discovered how much they helped me 'hear' things that are otherwise unintelligible but super important to the plot. I almost always have captions on but I only have to rely on them when there's lots of background noise.

By the way, teachers use captions to make their content available to a wider range of leaners... some learning styles absorb information better if they can read something, or when more parts of their brains are engaged in the activity.

I also like to use Spanish captions on an English show. I don't miss any content and can still learn how to structure a phrase of dialogue is Spanish


I use it frequently. Great for films with heavy accents, sometimes I need the volume low but want to miss dialogues, sometimes it's to catch the little gems that the sub title writer puts in ie. "Menacing jazz music starts playing" lol


I prefer them, if they're done well. Sometimes I don't catch dialogue audibly, so it's nice to be able to read it after the fact.


I don’t mind. For anime, I almost always choose subtitles over dubbed. Only exception is FMA which is perfect regardless.

Marz Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

FUNimation is the only studio whose English dubs I will trust to be at least decent right out of the box. Anyone else is side-eyed.


Closed caption is one of the greatest invention of all times. The wife can scream murder for hours and the husband can pretend to listen while reading the text off the screen..... Everyone gets what they want, happiness is maintained !!!!


My wife set Netflix to display with captions plus I watch Anime with subtitles so captions is a way of life for me. Sometimes the captions have info you might have otherwise missed such as the presence of some background noise or music.


Ever seen captions on kids TV that has no actual verbal content? Bloody hilarious.


I always turn on the closed captions. I have trouble understanding high pitched voices....especially young children.


I'll usually have them on just in case, rather than as a go-to measure. So for most things, I will have subtitles enabled, but I don't often need them; it's just if I miss a word or something. Reassuring, I guess.


They’re usually on. I can’t hear so well these days, damage from loud music and capitalism. What I can’t stand is when the captions are only partially on screen, with the second line below the display of the less than perfect tv. Ugh

Or the captions are running 10-seconds behind... or ahead. You might be able to adjust that off-screen issue with the method of display on your monitor (wide, normal, panorama, etc), but with various screen size ratios those aren't often satisfying either.

@mtnhome true, but the tv was left in an empty apartment that someone moved out of, it’s not that good. And no remote.


May I preface this with the acknowledgment that I am a dolt. With this tidbit, you will understand why I thought that the premise of this post was "would relationships benefit from closed captions". Sort of a google glasses app. And yes, they might help but I expect a sordid and lengthy learning curve before true success is achieved.
As for captions in movies, concerning script they are invaluable. But there is an art to the translation of sound effects and mood music that I find lacking. I think that they should invest in font and boldness to communicate intensity and subtlety.


My CC is always on and it doesn't bother me.


Oddly enough,I really like them. It's easier for me to keep up with text than speech.


I did try the closed caption device at the movies once and I hated it because it was like looking through goggles to see the movie. It actually made the movie experience worse. This was a couple of years ago and I hope your experience is better.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

My wife and I display the captions on TV all the time. We also watch a lot of foreign films.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

My father is hard of hearing so he has the volume on high and captions on. I'm fine with it but it drives my mom crazy. I do turn the volume down though, that gets annoying.


I use captions due to hearing loss, even with my hearing aids I still miss things or misunderstand. Synthetic hearing isn't all it's cracked up to be.


No it does not bother me

Rosh Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

No captions. Even for foreign films. I find them to be distracting and usually poorly written. When they are translating foreign material, they frequently don't get it right or the connotation is way off.


Wow, I have never heard of that condition before. I'm sorry you have that because the soundtrack adds so much to the film experience. Even at home, a nice surround sound system with a good sub-woofer brings a lot more realism to the experience. The only time I ever use closed captioning was back when I had a gym membership and would ride a stationary bike for about 30 minutes they had TV monitors suspended from the ceiling. If you didn't have earbuds plugged into your bike, you couldn't get the audio but the captioning was always on. I watched multiple seasons of Angel (that Buffy spin-off series) that way. LOL!


Not at all, unless they are in a foreign language, then it's a distraction.


I have a significant hearing the extent that I can no longer understand the dialog in a movie theater despite using their complementary headphones. So, I do my "movie watching" at home on my t.v. using headphones (plugged in to an amplifier) AND with the closed captions turned on. A drawback of using captions is that one has to focus on the captions and I miss the expressions on the actor's faces.

I find your statement that "I have a processing delay between what I hear and my brain." , interesting in that I have a similar delay when dealing with people that I have attributed to my Aspberger's Syndrome. That delay precludes me defending myself effectively in any argument. However, given time (one minute or so) to anylize a person's statements, I can always point out their errors of logic.

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