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LINK Judge halts Christian-only prayer at Parkersburg (WV) City Council meetings

A federal judge ruled yesterday that the city of Parkersburg, West Virginia has to stop saying the Lord’s Prayer at the beginning of all city council meetings, giving victory to the Freedom From Religion Foundation and its two non-religious plaintiffs.

The lawsuit was first filed in 2018 and claimed that council members said the prayer to open each session and that audience members were encouraged to stand. The plaintiffs included local atheist Daryl Cobranchi, who attended council meetings but stopped because “the Council treat[ed] him like a second-class citizen” as a result of his dissent over the prayers, and local “agnostic atheist” Eric Engle, who felt “negatively singled out” for similar reasons.

snytiger6 9 May 19

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I can relate to this. In my city, the senior center used to say the Pledge Of Alligience once a week before everybody began eating their lunch. I always boycotted it and started eating, while refusing to stand like the other people. Also, every day they would have a Moment Of Silence before they ate, same thing, I boycotted that and began eating. Obviously the latter ritual used to be a moment of prayer before somebody bitched about it being religious so they changed it, but the ritual involved somebody saying sort of a blessing type of statement, so they weren't fooling anyone with the minimal change. I loved all the scorn I got for my stance, but these people need to move on and get out of the 1950s, even if that is when they were young and where they arrested emotionally, mentally, and culturally.


That particular bunch of Christian supremacists get their ass handed to them on a plate. That needs to happen more and more often in the United $tates of Absurdity.


It's about time! Hooray for FFRF!

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