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I get the strangest messages on Fitness Singles. Your thoughts?

Men's hubris makes me laugh and roll my eyes. Since deletes numbers and many words in posts, I added dashes.

From Geoff in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada:

Great profile.
A 9.95-out-of-10.
Wish I was closer.

Me: Thank you for your compliment. What do you mean by "A 9.95-out-of-10"? Please explain. Kathleen


I commented on your profile.
No-one gets a-10.
That’s why the-9.95
I’m the prize here.
I’m not prepared to fawn all over you and explain in detail how I think that you’re the best catch ever.

From Steve in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada:

I was hoping that you would have moved closer to the Northern border by now. I think we could have potential as a couple = Fit, young in physic, young at heart! lol

Me: Thanks for the compliment. My passport expired. We live too far apart to develop a relationship. Good luck with your search. Kathleen

LiterateHiker 9 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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There are no photos of me on the net. So a nice southern gentleman begged me for a photo. Men are very visual. Women are audio. I have acertained. So I sent him a photo via the great United States Postal Service, except for the 5 managers they have for each carrier. But digression strikes again. So he e-mails me and analyzed me as if I was a horse. I was surprised he did not ask for a photo of my teeth. I have most of them you know. That was the last time I interacted with him as he mailed my photo back to me tho he begged to keep it. Make a friggin copy & send me back my photo as a man of his word would do. He did. He is a great guy, but not for me.


"My thoughts" ? Oh oh. My thought is that you enjoy the comedy that some men present without knowing it because they are so blinded by their self absorbed egos that they can not see the hilarity in their presentations. My thought is, it gives me joy to read your expeditions into the realm of inter-net dating that I may avoid reality & immerse myself in the intricate dance that is this comedy. I attribute the adjective "fuzzy " teeth to you. Yellow is common. But fuzzie? I laughed for days. Props alpha woman.


He's the prize. Hilarious.

Deb57 Level 8 May 27, 2022

But he will let you fawn all over him no doubt. Yikes......


9.95 reminds me of the 9.99.. paternity test confirming that my child is mine. 🙂

Unity Level 8 May 23, 2022

There certainly are some strange men on singles sites - perhaps because the best ones get snapped up pronto.


“I’m the prize here.” 😂😂😂
That line alone tells me he is, indeed, no prize.


Well I did the math:
h X y + ( 9x6 ) - brown eyes + (18 Y short hair) divided 37.3 = 9.95 !

He's right !

twill Level 7 May 23, 2022

Only attractive people have these problems. The rest of us ... nothing.


Hey, at least they said something revealing. All I ever got was “how are you doing” from men with profiles that revealed nothing about themselves.


I hear you. On Fitness Singles, you can select a one-line message from a pulldown screen.

Ninety percent of men are too lazy or stupid to write a personal message. I have received this same, lame message from the pulldown screen over a hundred times:

I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat!

What a letdown.

Or the profiles or messages that say, "Ask me". I respond that I have no desire to play twenty questions. If you've been on the planet for decades and have zero self awareness I have no interest.

@MizJ With you there. Men on dating APPs seem quite lazy. This leads me to believe they are really only looking for hookups. Not what I want, so I gave pretty much abandoned them.

@LiterateHiker Yeah, that’s familiar.

@MsKathleen I have met a few that were OK, some are now platonic friends. Location is a common issue. One lives in Europe and we speak a couple of times a week and I have gone to visit a couple of times. Having an open mind to both friendship or dating makes a positive difference.

@MizJ the problem I had with them all was that they never had anything real to say.


My big problem in online dating is I will no longer tolerate a narcy type as a signifigant other. But online stuff being 2 dimensional is narc Nirvana. So a bit of a dilemma finding someone suitable in cyberworld.

I think if you are happy, that attracts people to you and just go with the flow. Now covid has died down look forward to going to open air concert weekends again.

puff Level 8 May 22, 2022

Geoff sounds like he's full of himself. Steve sounds OK.


Agreed. "I'm the prize here," Geoff wrote. What a conceited ass.

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