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The madness promoted by the NRA to promote the sales of it’s clients products.

Garban 8 May 28

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Sick, sick, mentally sick. This is what happens when we reduce our emphasis on dealing with mental health issues. What happened to the CDC, NIH and a few other high profile research groups being able to study the mental illness issue known as guns?

A mental health issue that the NRA, gun/ammo makers and the GOP have capitalized on and paid elected officials to do nothing about or curb.

@silverotter11 I still remember how long it took to get the country to see and act about the dangers of smoking. This issue is a lot clearer and no studies on connections between a drug and its effects are necessary. Read today that even some parents of kids killed are buy guns to better protect themselves. Some refuse to learn.

@JackPedigo The irrational fear that far right "news" media promote is stoking the fear. The very last attempt at an intelligent conversation with my twin on the issues was about guns, the need for them and that she fears for me because I don't not see the danger and what is happening. ALL her fears/talking points came right from fox, oann, etc. There is literally NO getting thru to them/her.

@silverotter11 Just read a report in the Seattle Times (which I can't get digitally) titled "Ukraine war not just geographical, it's Putin's information war." In it is stated the Russian information war is still alive and well and it often fosters things that seek to disunite this country. "Right wing movements in the United States include well-documented Russian financial involvement in groups as the National Rifle Association and the anti-vaccine movement."`

@JackPedigo and people like my sister fall for this shit because they can't quit the right wing media feeds. Goes for all the republicans in this country. It's beyond sad and scary.

@silverotter11 So basically pawn of Putin (in Ukraine he is called Putler).


The whole thing is so nutso - reshape everything so a few can buy assault weapons - all in the guise of freedom. WFT?!? Toss out all the folks - that would be the majority - who want to be free and safe to shop, go to church, school, work, concerts and just walk the damn streets. Insane


Yes, clearly a mental health issue.

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