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LINK Hidden message with expletive on headstone in Iowa raises concerns

I think this is a tempest in a tea pot. Click the link to see the video.

It may not look like it at first glance, but a headstone at a cemetery in Iowa has a hidden message.

"Forever in our hearts, until we meet again, cherished memories, known as our brother, father, papa, uncle, friend, and cousin," said Lindsay Owens, daughter of the late Steven Owens.

If you pay special attention to the headstone, you'll notice that the first letter of each phrase reads "(expletive) off."

It's something that Steven Owens' family members say he often said jokingly.

"It was definitely his term of endearment. If he didn't like you, he didn't speak to you. It's just who he was," Lindsay Owens said.

"He's easily riled up. It was always a goal of some sort to have him tell you to do this," said Zachary Owens, Steven's son.

Steven's family said that the epitaph is something his family did as a harmless way to remember him, but it has now been called into question by the cemetery.

Cemetery staff members said they've been against the headstone from the beginning. They said the profanity has no place where loved ones are laid to rest for eternity.

Now, Steven Owens' family is hoping they don't have to get rid of the headstone.

While some may find it offensive, the family says that wasn't their intention and they hope others can find humor in it.

"No one's forcing anyone to come out and look at it. That's a choice that you make, We didn't do it to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. We did it because it was our father and we love him and that's the way we remember him," Zachary Owens said.

HippieChick58 9 June 15

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Some goody-goods have nothing better to do with their time!--- Something I saw a few years ago on a headstone, "Gone fishing" and a carved picture of a guy casting from a boat.


There is a phrase for the cemetery staff: touchy little pricks.


Most people won't notice it unless it is pointed out to them. These three words of wisdom "Let it be"

Unity Level 8 June 15, 2022



Sooo worried about what others' think?
Or looking for 8 million hits on FB? You decide......


It only says “Fuck off” if you know what letters to pick. Each phrase is entirely appropriate so I’d tell them to listen to the dead man 💀

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