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Has anyone tried this? And if so, what did you think?


Each shot contains a magical combination of 12 active ingredients designed to stimulate focus, creativity, energy, and motivation while decreasing stress, oxidation, and decreases post-exercise inflammation in the body.


TheoryNumber3 8 June 20

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probably has caffine im more cautious in my old age


But it's a magical combination!!! LOL


Link comes up as hazardous.

My computer didn't flag it. Thanks for telling me. Not that I would buy this snake oil 🙂


You've gotta be fucking kidding me!

I know, right? So many useless and sometimes dangerous products on the market


This is snake oil. Placebo effect accounts for around 30% of any improvement so if your experimental group is only getting a 30%change it's not significant. That's why new drugs have to be compared to a control group in a double blind study, to show that your drug has improvements greater than the placebo.


Not injecting myself with any over-the-counter stuff, that would be Very Foolish at best!

It's not an injection. It's a liquid. But I still wouldn't try without a thorough study of the ingredients


I see that it contains adaptogens which is found in Ginseng. I knew a neurologist who told me that she took a very small piece of an old root of Ginseng and she was awake for a few days.

All kinds of claims are made for a variety of products and most of which usually turn out to be bullshit.


I'd like to see the over 240 scientific studies. Hmmmm...


I have not heard of it. I would certainly be willing to try it

Unity Level 8 June 20, 2022
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