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Sen. Cory Booker Reveals Jan. 6 Image That'll 'Haunt' Him For The Rest Of His Life.

The New Jersey senator said it's hard for him to "escape the feelings" and "anger" of what he witnessed at the U.S. Capitol.

Click on the link and page down to watch Cory Booker being interviewed by Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.

Senator Cory Booker's message is insightful and uplifting.


LiterateHiker 9 June 22

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Some days, not often but some days, I wish the insurrectionists had actually caught Pence or another of the ilk.

Actually, had the vile mob caught Pence, the Secret Service would have pulled out Uzis and splattered some.


If the mob murdered Pence, it would be an excuse for Marmalade Mussolini to order military rule.

@LiterateHiker Possibly. Or more people wouldn't have their heads up their asses currently. In all likelihood, had the mob overtaken Pence, the Secret Service would have left them dead and dying. Had the mob gotten to the reps, who knows.


Cory Booker has a great future ahead of him if he can keep it in his pants and did not break a window playing baseball as an 11 year old.


I can't . I can't watch. It makes me shudder that I lived to see our own misguided citizens attack our capitol regardless of the affiliation. Manipulating them so easily. Brilliant Putin. Brilliant. The enemy is US.


I understand. Click on the link and page down to watch Cory Booker being interviewed by Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.

Senator Booker's message is insightful and uplifting.


We are in a very dark place. What I learned from the past administration is the hatred and corruption has always been just below the surface. The Union may have won the Civil War, yet the spirit of the Confederacy lives on in many people. A hatred passed from generation to generation.
We the people need to consciously strive diligently to form a better union. We can do it

Unity Level 8 June 22, 2022


You're right. Well said.

@LiterateHiker Thank you

The hatred is rooted deep.
Even in people that were respected and revered.
Billy Graham would never be a horrible racist? Right?
He was amused at telling a story of a old black share cropper in his town when he and his brothers were young.
Well, the old man had this cat he loved.
And it went missing.
Except it wasn't missing.
Billy and his brothers knew where it was.
They had caught it and killed and skinned it and brought it to the old man and told him it was rabbit.
The next day they told him he had eaten his pet.
Billy Graham thought this story was hilarious his entire life.

@BufftonBeotch Graham was a total pos.
That story merely confirms it.

Sometimes, I wish I believed in hell, so I could
fantasize about him burning in it.

Fucking religutards are the worst.

@BufftonBeotch FOR REAL!?!?!?! How the fuck was this not on more media outlets? That's like what serial killers do as a child. I already had no respect for graham but damn now I want to puke.

@silverotter11 For the same reasons media outlets didn't report on JFK's other women.

@KKGator They didn't tell the truth about Mother Teresa either.

@BufftonBeotch Exactly!

@KKGator I don't condone lying and cheating. Thing is kiling a neighbors cat, skinning, gutting and giving it to the owner of the cat and telling him it's a rabbit is on a WHOLE other level of evil. That the neighbor was a black man is like the cherry on a shit pile of ugly evil. That then they told the owner of the cat he had eaten his pet does not even have a catagory of evil, disgusting fuckery

@KKGator, @BufftonBeotch I would love to find the documentaion for this evil bit of fuckery. Do you know where I can find it? I tried a basic bing query and got nothing.

@silverotter11 It was on some documentary with an interview or interviews with him. I was probably in my twenties.
I just remember him thinking it was a very funny story.
I'd love to find footage of it too.

@BufftonBeotch It's probably been completely removed or hidden. 🤬🤬🤬

@silverotter11 This would have been before everything was just routinely saved. Probably '90s sometime.
If it had been something he was confessing as a horrible thing he had done when younger I might have though nothing of it.
But he told it as a funny story.
Extreme level depravity and cruelty.

@BufftonBeotch What a christian - I am being sarcastic.


I watched this yesterday evening.
Here is my list of who should run in 2024 for pres and vp, any combo:
Jamie Raskin
Adam Schiff
Cory Booker
Katie Porter
If Dems keep both houses I would like Pelosi replaced with Bernie or any from the previous list.

I want to add Elizabeth Warren.

Bernie is a Senator. He cannot replace Pelosi as Speaker.

Personally, I'd be happy with Raskin and Porter.
They're both young enough, and have what it would take to work to change the broken system we have.

@KKGator Thanks for the catch on Bernie. I'll just leave it for now. I think he'd make a great speaker, tho!😈

@silverotter11 He would, but I'm happier with him in the Senate.
Somebody has to stand up to McConnell, Cruz, and the rest of the low-life republicans.

Pelosi has gone well by her 'use by' date.

@JackPedigo Indeed!


The "love" emoticon is for Booker's impassioned comment, not the haunting image.

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