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I love these three takeaways from Tuesday's hearing.

By Rick Wilson, The Lincoln Project

The first one is that the Republican image of the swaggering bold “macho man” has become this weird sort of stupid cliché. You saw it with Eric Greitens playing dress up with this and a bunch of guys dressed as Navy SEALs pretending to hunt RINOs. (So scary!)

Contrast this with the personal courage you saw from Speaker Bowers. An unabashed conservative. Hardcore Republican. He didn’t dress up as a SEAL or pose with a big gun.

He told Donald Trump no.

He said, no, I’m not doing it. I’m not breaking my oath or the trust Arizona has given me. I'm not gonna give you an election you didn't win.

As someone who told Trump where he could shove it before most of my former GOP colleagues, I say this to Speaker Bowers: welcome to the pro-democracy coalition. Proud to be with you.

Same with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Same kind of persistence. No matter what Trump did in his broad criminal conspiracy to get him to change the votes, he just said “no, you're wrong.” That kind of courage is increasingly rare in elected officials today. (You saw that same courage from Jocelyn Benson, who held the line despite a mob outside her house).

But the star of the show for me? Shaye and Ruby. Talk about examples of people who just do the right thing. Not public figures. Not trying to be in the public eye. In fact they don’t want to be there. But they’re literally on the front lines for our democracy and they just did their damn jobs and did them well. And you saw how they took the enormous amount of abuse and sh*t from the Trump folks. Nobody should ever have to take that kind of abuse.

Maybe my biggest takeaway is just how totally dependent GOP tactics have become on threats and violence.

I have a feeling Thursday is going to blow the damn doors off.

LiterateHiker 9 June 22

Enjoy being online again!

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At least some repubs have some caring sense and other removing there lips from Trumps ass. Now if more would fall in line we will make some real progress. Throwing 45 in prison with the Proud Boys would be a big benefit.



bobwjr Level 10 June 23, 2022

And the committee is apparently being FLOODED now with info. This should prove interesting.


GOP tactics are also about manipulating the public's emotions, which many vote accordingly. They are masters at it as Putin exemplified with his influence on social media. Like lemmings they will follow their "feelings" into the voting booth. One union supported Raygun, air traffickers, & he then busted them. People will vote themselves out of a job. They will work 2 jobs, no time to vote, not realizing that how they vote might help them succeed with one job. I have seen the enemy & it is US. The rot in that party is odiferous. I want you to be correct.


I don't have the emotional reserves right now to watch the hearings, or even to read much coverage. I appreciate your take on things, I feel less uninformed, and you have given me a great deal of hope in the proceedings.

I went along with you and felt that nothing was going to happen. I was wrong, these are worth watching as what the orange idiot did is being placed before everyone with great splendor. It is History being made.

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