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They need a Constitutional Amendment on Abortion:

  1. Abortions legal from the time of conception to the time of viability.
  2. Abortions legal after the time of viability if the life of the mother is at risk.
  3. Abortions legal after the time of viability if the unborn child will suffer severe birth defects.

80% of the voters would support this.
It should be decided by voters/legislators, not the courts.

BD66 8 June 24

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Government over reach cubed.


democracy on a mass scale is dysfunctional. the 300 year long rape and ruination of this virgin continent and this planet by mass democracy's master , capitalism, is all the proof you need. but if your looking for a banner headline for the most insane thing modern mass democracy has done so far,
look to our new law regarding " Abortions legal after the time of viability if the unborn child will suffer severe birth defects. "


Perhaps more than 80%.

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