Mike Pence: "We must not rest and must not relent until the sanctity of life is restored to the centre of American law in every state in the land," [bbc.com] And that would include all animal life and plant life if he cared to think about it, which he does not, this because he cannot.
I guess he is going against party platform and is against the death penalty and for gun control?
Democratic president, hold both houses atm don't they? Codify it then. "Codified" into law Ukraine aid/ Russian sanctions pretty quick didn't they?
Priorities, they have had 50 years to "codify".
We don't have control of both houses, that is a total misconception, it takes 60 votes to control the Senate under current rules.
@glennlab and we have two Senators who rarely vote along Party lines. But then again, if they changed their Party affiliation to how they often vote, the Republicans would have a two Senator majority and even less would get passed.
@Barnie2years both of them actually vote with the democrats above 90 % of the time. The problem is that we cannot count on them when the going gets tough. Their votes are much closer to the mainstream democrats than the most liberal republicans.