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A good read from the blog of Teri Kanefield on blaming the loss of Roe on Democrats.

Redheadedgammy 9 June 30

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Wait! Every single Republicon opposes Roe and you blame Democrats?

Unfortunately yes, because too many Democrats blame our Democratic legislators when they don’t get everything they want. Way too many people don’t understand how laws are made and think it’s easy to herd cats. 😉


Whether it's Roe or Trump, Democrats only get as much blame as is left after denouncing the Republicans. Clearly many people who would vote Democrat simply don't vote, and that has also given Republicans margins in the legislatures and Congress. In 2016, minorities, Women and Progressives gave a poor turnout, regardless of the excuses. Kudos to Stacy Abrams for showing what is possible.


Becuz blaming is So helpful.......

So true, and so easy to blame one part of the legislature when one doesn’t know how Government works.

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