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Where Does This Test Put You?

I think this quiz is flawed by the assumptions that are inherent in the questions, but I took it for kicks anyway. It put me in the category of Solidly Secular even though I told it I consider myself to be a very religious person. The percentage of other Solidly Secular testees who considered themselves very religious was zero.

I think, if I fit anywhere in this typology at all, I fit better under "Other Faiths" which is the catch-all category under "Non-Christian Faiths", which would put me in the "Diversely Devout" Type. But really, Pew has no category that accurately describes my view, as indeed the world at large, apparently, currently does not.




skado 9 July 2

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I came up Solidly Secular, even though I had to lie and say I never go to church. I do, because they pay me to. I'm an organist!

@MsHoliday Yes, we do that sometimes! I play keyboard in a jam band, too.


Solidly secular, not a surprise given the questions.


I am solidly secular. 😉


I didn't bother with the survey. I know who I am.

Betty Level 8 July 2, 2022

@Betty My curiosity got to me, so I took it. Just wanted see what kind of questions were asked, pretty basic

@MichelleGar1 Every time I got curious about something, my mom would say...Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. Nothing wrong with curiosity. 🙂

@MichelleGar1 Same for me, I wanted to know what the questions were.

Same here but I did it for the fun of doing it and to see just how biased it really was.

@Triphid I hope you got a good chuckle out of it. 🙂

@Triphid, @Redheadedgammy Were there any surprises you didn't anticipate?

@Betty Hey with 90% of the surveys excreted from the Untied States of Absurdity being an Aussie tends to give us a golden opportunity to laugh our heads off at how dopey some Seppos really are.

@Betty I really had no surprises about the questions. But it was fun to see how the questions were so skewed towards religion. I was equally surprised that the number of secular people is 17%. I would have expected it to be much less due to the religious in this Country insisting on pushing their beliefs into everything they can. Maybe we secularist are growing faster than I realized. 😉

@Redheadedgammy It is the hope. 🙂


Solidly Secular


I’m solidly secular…no surprise there then!


I got Solidly Secular being an atheist but I don't think it would hard to figure that one out. Probably a mistake for them to mix in the politics and religious labels. I know there are some conservative atheists and highly religious leftists.


I'm with @MsHoliday, was surprised by 17% but then, most of the people on here are yanks. 🤣🤣🤣


This is a an skewed poll.


You can be secular and very religious, it's just an admittance that nation state laws over rule religious dogma.
I have very churchy friends who would be aghast if their religious dogma was imposed on all. They are into freedom of belief and support secular society as much as I do.

puff Level 8 July 2, 2022

Solidly secular as well.


It says I am a religious resister.


Even though, imo, the survey questions appeared to be heavily weighted towards the side of religion and religious beliefs I scored Solidly Secular.


I agree that the quiz is flawed because it makes no distinction between attendance or participation in something that is a secular as a Unitarian church and similar involvement in a mainstream Christian or Catholic church. Some non-believers are very involved in such Unitarian churches, but it doesn't make them at all religious. Few Unitarians are, they just want to be part of some community where they can openly be who they are and their kids can have some sort of education about humanism and world religions. It gives their kids a way to be part of a peer group that is not religious so they don't have to fake it and join their school peers in a youth group at a church that is religious.


Solidly secular for me. Not at all surprising.

The Organizers are probably compiling a list right about NOW and checking off every Atheist Heathen low-life scum that did the survey so they can be ready for the next Inquisitions....LOL.
See you all at the next Christian organized Cook-out of Atheist I suppose...LOL.


Solidly secular.


Gee, Solidly Secular is only 17% of the survey takers? Too bad.


Solidly secular. Not surprising at all.


Religious Resister, it states about my response. WTF? I am sitting here laughing gently.


No surprise for me.


I'm SS, like everybody else. I took a similar quiz, from the same source, Pew Research, on political typology, and measured as Progressive Left, which was no surprise at all to me. Put me in a very small minority of Americans, and most closely aligned with Bernie Sanders. None of that surprised me either, but I bet a lot of people who vote for mainstream Dems would find, by taking such a quiz, that they agree with progressives like Bernie more than mainstream corporate Dems, but they got turned off by the socialist label, despite how much they agree with him on policy. For that we can thank the good ole DNC and the corporate media, for crushing their hopes for something better than the statue quo and convincing them that any vote for someone not likely to win is wasted. So they hold their nose and vote for corporate Dems they really don't agree with or don't vote at all.


Reading everyone else’s comments, I see I’m in good, “solidly secular” company. When I self-define, however, I usually call myself a materialist.


Solidly secular (17%). One item did not fit me and that was the meditation question. I have created my own mindfulness style and do some body stretches. It does help.


Doesn't surprise me. I came up as most of you did -- Solidly Secular.


Solidly secular, of course.

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