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If our planet has one big breeding ground for movements that verge on the lunatic (or even cross that line), it is of course the "Fantasyland America" (Kurt Andersen).

Some movements, hypes, crazes I still can remember: the Satanic panic, beginning in the eighties; the "recovered memory movement" in the nineties; the fad about "multiple personalities" (there was a time when certain people who wanted to be 'hip' claimed to harbor several persons inside their head).
I'm sure that you are able to come up with other examples.

What about recent years? According to Andersen, Americans now live more or less completey inside Fantasyland. I concur.

The right-wingers love all sorts of conspiracies, it really seems that they cannot live without them: The Big Steal and QAnon and its various ramifications are the finest examples one can imagine.

But what about the Left? What is the 'progressive' contribution to Fantasyland?
What do you think?
(Please do not tell me that the left is nothing but Enlightenment, science and common sense !---)

Matias 8 July 5

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Start by reading the Washington Post, and th NY Post. Read about the same thing in each paper, then ask yourself if either tells the true story.

@Matias CNN is as factual as I am King of the world. Virtually everything they say or print is slanted. The other sources you cite are not US publications so how do you expect them to understand the subject?


I think you need to broaden your reading sources.


The left has the mistake of trying to please all of the people all of the time.

@Matias Hillary isn't "left" in my world.

@Matias Perhaps I should clarify. Bernie & AOC are democratic socialists. Main stream Democrats are much less extreme. Somewhat near the Lincoln Project. Conservative Democrats. Liberal Republicans. There once was such a coalition. But alas Armagedón is upon us. The pinnacle of civilization has been reached & we are doomed. So I will party like it's 1849. & suffer those that did not come out for HILLARY.


The left promotes the fantasy of American Exceptionalism. The left doesn't work hard enough, if at all, on preventive actions to make exceptionalism a possibility. The left talks about bipartisanship, but it's a waste of time now. Even Dem presidents are guilty of not fighting hard enough. Most of the left doesn't comprehend how to talk about social programs without getting trapped by the loudly proclaimed lie that social programs are communist socialism. Many hard-won freedoms and protections have been stripped recently because the left doesn't protect them well enough from obvious threats.

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