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Finally a major news source willing to tell it like it is about the state of the world. “U.N report says major changes needed to curb biodiversity crisis.”
”The overexploitation of wild-species is not the only factor driving the decline; human –caused climate change is a major force, the report said. Growing human populations and consumption along with technological advances that make many extractive practices more efficient will put greater pressure on wild species.”

JackPedigo 9 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Too little, too late.

MizJ Level 8 July 11, 2022

But Wait!!!!! No more abortions & no more contraception will help this A Bunch........

I sense a strong sarcasm here. I guess that's all most of us can do.


I realize it is difficult for some to actually see the big picture, we tend to view things through our own narrow lens. Oh well.


Billionaires like Jimmy John sub sandwiches went to Africa to murder many trophy animals... USA needs to jail ecocide speciescide perpetrators jail all sellers of rhino horn penis booster to sex trafficking customers....women are a globally endangered species since June 24th 2020 ROEpocalypse written by the 6 vatican gangsters POLLUTERS gun traffickers of the US Sup Ct


We are basically digging our own grave, even if it is a slow process.


I'm an environmentalist, by way of urban farming tiny houses and make almost everything out of natural materials for eco living.

When the earth goes up 1 degree over a hundred years. Bring out the green passports to enslave us again. Then Carbon tax us. What next, vthe gas that comes out of my ass, led by the Gov and super rich


We don't care about our own. I doubt we really care about other species. If not then time is up.

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