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I go through Play Doh fun factories in my resource room at an astounding rate. Today I was trying to get the dried crud from under the ridge of one where the Play Doh comes out through the extruder and I decided to google how to clean it. Holy crap, the thing comes apart. How did I not know this all these years? My life has no meaning.

Sorcha 7 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Saved myself $70 x2 last week by putting new batteries in my car key fobs instead of the dealer...took about 2 minutes for both!


You can find how to do almost anything online!


He's lucky not to have broken one of the hinge tabs when he forced the pieces apart. I call bullshit.


Eventually, it will start coming apart during use, BECAUSE you have taken it apart so often to clean it…that’s what happens with plastic interlocking moving parts…but you will have saved a ton of money by then.

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