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"This is a man's world, but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl"

Unity 8 July 17

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Great song…good to hear such coming together of two iconic voices from diverse genres.


This was filmed in 2002. James Brown was 69 years old. Luciano Pavarotti was 67 years old. The voices!

I’m 77 Kathleen…and my voice is still in amazingly good shape and nothing much wrong with my fortissimo when required!

@Marionville We would love to hear you sing. Please share if you have video available.


I've often wondered if it's really anyone's world? Human beings always try to maintain control in the world, but nature usually gets the final say regardless.

On a side note, didn't James Brown get in trouble with the law once for assaulting a woman/spousal abuse??

There is no doubt that the world was here much longer than homo-sapiens. The song isn't literally speaking of ownership.
As for James Brown's legal troubles it doesn't take away my admiration of his work.
This particular performance was one of his many displays of his remarkable talent

@Unity Same here, he was a talented singer, despite his personal woes.

I think you’re missing the point of the song…it’s not a philosophical discussion about man(kind) v nature and which one is in control. It’s a song in praise of womankind and how men may like to think it’s all about them being in charge…but in fact without the female of the species life for men would be completely meaningless!

@Marionville I didn't miss the point of the song, I was wondering something else altogether. Speaking of which, who says all men feel that way (that they are in charge), I don't, and to be fair men and women need each other because without one life would be meaningless for the other one (works both ways). That said, I should have gone into more detail as to why I mentioned what I did, so as to not confuse others with what sounded like a philosophical statement, but I certainly got the point of the song itself and thought it was good.

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