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LINK Supreme Court Tells Cops To Stop Playing Doctor



A unanimous decision. Health care professionals should be treating patients. Law enforcement has NO business with their noses in health care. 😲

Treatment should be based upon a doctor's oath to do no harm, and in the patient's best interests. Fearing the DEA/drug war, specifically when the treatment includes opiods/pain management, is no longer acceptable and unanimously, the law is now, "Medical people, do your job; law enforcement? STFU ALREADY!!!" (Or something close to that.) 😜😜😂😂

(It's a great article if you can get through how dry it is.) 😜

SeaGreenEyez 9 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Nurses are considered to be the basic nursing staff. Their duties are to carry out doctor's orders, monitor the condition of patients, and care for them. There are specializations in nursing: the head nurse, as well as procedural, surgical, district, and other. The work may vary, but despite the low pay, the profession has been and will be in great demand. Nurses usually have no difficulty starting their careers. This is why I also plan to become a nurse. Only I will not be studying here but in America. It's all thanks to [], where you can become a registered nurse fairly quickly and earn a decent salary.


Something reasonable from trump's court? Well, don't let your guard down.


Bout fucking time..


This does nothing to fix what they have broken or are about to break.
I'm guessing one of the justices or a close relative, perhaps a wife, has an new opioid hobby and wants the cops to back off.

@SeaGreenEyez I'm glad it helps who it helps, but this court has made me suspect their every move.

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