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LINK Unbelievable Video Shows a Humpback Whale Engulfing Two Kayakers



This is two times, in just a couple of months, that this has happened. The man lobster diving of the coast of Maine, actually spent time in the whales mouth before being "spit out."


SeaGreenEyez 9 July 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I tried eating a kayak once. I found it didn't taste good, and I was not fond of the texture; so I am not surprised the whale spit it out.


Wow! That's scary.

Betty Level 8 July 21, 2022

That will be a story to tell the grandkids!


The lobsterman from Maine was exposed as a hoax..this is quite extraordinary..wowza!

@SeaGreenEyez He claimed he was swallowed..yes the whale opened it's maw close to him..he wasn't swallowed..

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