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LINK Monkeypox Cases Rise In Minnesota, WHO Declares Global Heath Emergency

(Monkeypox is only transmitted through phsical, usually intimate, contact.)

The Minnesota Department of Health reported yesterday (July 25) there are 20 confirmed cases of monkeypox statewide, according to KARE 11 News. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has deemed monkeypox a global health emergency.

Monkeypox cases are rising rapidly, and cases are expected to continue rising. Dr. Beth Thielen, assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Minnesota Medical School, said there are now 16,000 cases of monkeypox globally, spanning over 70 countries that don't usually see monkeypox, like the U.S. Thielen also noted that Minnesota's 20 cases are low compared to other states like New York, where officials report there are more than 800 cases.

What makes the outbreak unique is the degree to which it has spread through person-to-person contact. ...

snytiger6 9 July 26

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Transmission by touch is comparatively easy to manage. At the gym, I wipe the equipment down before I use it and after.


"Unique????? Ever hear of AIDS?

I think they mean in reference to the recent Covid pandemic, which would be the first reference that would come to mind for most people.

@snytiger6 my understanding of the word "unique" must differ greatly from this writer....its' misuse kind of undermines the entire piece for me, sorry

@AnneWimsey I agree they did use the word "unique" with way too loose of a meaning to the point where the word was misused. I only meant in my first comment that even though they misused the word, I think most people got what was meant in how they used used itj.

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