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I remember growing up in the Mormon church back in the 1970's, they really promoted a musical called "Saturday's Warrior" which was based on Mormon beliefs. One of the songs which was sung supposedly by the wicked influences was called "Zero Population". The Mormon church reaches that families should have as many children as they can. Ironically, I took the message of Zero Population to heart more than the other songs of the total message of the play.


In the subfield of biology known as population dynamics, there is this thing called a boom and bust cycle. When resources are plentiful, the population booms. When resources become scarce, or waste products build up to toxic levels, the population busts. Now the human population has been booming for well over 100 years. And not only are basic resources like fresh water becoming scarce, our waste products have built up to the point that they are forcing the climate into an ever increasing heat spiral. If we don't stop burning fossil fuels toot sweet, we are in for a massive bust. America is the country most responsible for the global warming crisis. We should be taking the lead in solving it. Although the deal Chuck Schumer hammered out with Joe Manchin does not go far enough, I do support it. It is better than nothing, and we can always add to it in the future. As time goes on, and the negative effects of climate change become ever more apparent and impossible to deny, there will be more and more support for doing more to avert total catastrophe. And if Mitch McConnell should find a way to nix this deal, we should drag his ass out in the street and tear him limb from limb.

None of that matters. The positive feedback loop on the permafrost has begun and it's releasing like 4x the amount of carbon that humans did. Human involvement can make it worse, but even the entire global population going carbon neutral can't stop it now. We are doomed; that is not up for intelligent debate. Climate scientists warned us for decades and we didn't listen. Now, even though it has happened (the point of no return), most people don't even know it, and a ton of people are actually citing our current position as evidence that the climate scientists were wrong all along. It doesn't get more stupid and arrogant than that.

@ChestRockfield Who is your source saying the Rubicon has been crossed?

@Flyingsaucesir I wish I would have saved them, but they weren't really a resource to prove to people we need to change our ways, they were a statement about the fact that we no longer had the option. There were papers on studies that had been completed that were released the beginning of this year. They concluded that the permafrost was releasing 4x the amount of carbon that humans produced. Some of them were a little scarier than others, but if you read between the lines, they basically said the same thing.

@ChestRockfield For the record, I am not saying that we have not crossed the Rubicon; my sense is that we are close to it and may have crossed already. But I want to hear from the experts (realizing that their opinions vary and may or may not reflect reality.

@Flyingsaucesir Then I'd read what they're saying about the permafrost's contribution to global warming specifically. Maybe you won't find it as ominous as I did??

@ChestRockfield I realize that the permafrost is giving off methane and CO2. But we have technology that can remove CO2 from the atmosphere, and the sun provides about a kilowatt of energy per square meter of Earth surface per day, and we have technologies that can harvest that pretty efficiently. My point is that we have all the tools to combat climate change. It's not a technological hump we have to get over. It's a political one.

@Flyingsaucesir Well, if humans can somehow go massively carbon negative, then I suppose it's not too late, but considering the people that make our laws are so fucking stupid they bring snowballs into congress to "prove" global warming doesn't exist, I'm not going to hold my breath for a political solution to this problem.

@ChestRockfield You refer to the infamous Senator Inhoff...I remember well his vacant rambling. But things are changing fast; it's becoming impossible to deny... people are waking up.

@Flyingsaucesir Congress currently has 139 members who deny climate science, 30 in the Senate. I'm not sure how fast, or even if, that number will go down, but it seems unlikely it'll occur fast enough.

@Flyingsaucesir Another major problem is that this is a global problem that is not being treated with a global solution. Trump stoked the fires of "Why should we work to solve this problem when China is doing the exact opposite to gain a financial and competitive advantage over us" and many people agreed with him. Countries like Brazil aren't compensated for maintaining their rainforest, so they're chopping it down at record pace. And who can blame them? If the benefits of the Rainforest are going to be enjoyed by everyone, than the profits from not having large swaths of protected land should also be shared. But people, especially those that make up our governments, are too selfish, stupid, and shortsighted. No matter how possible people think a solution to this is, they should be taking measures to mitigate how bad the negative effects will impact them, which I think is the primary reason to not have kids. Not that population collapse wouldn't help, but if there is a catastrophic outcome anyway, you're not subjecting a loved one to live through a potentially horrible existence.

@ChestRockfield True, true, all too true. I would not bet against things getting ugly. They already are ugly. Will they become catastrophic? Probably. Does it absolutely have to be this way? No. I guess that's what makes this situation so tragic. I'm glad I decided long ago not to have kids.

Oddly enough, I was just scrolling through whatever Google calls their feed and found this...

@ChestRockfield Definitely a bleak outlook.


1910 1.5 Billion inhabitants on this planet!!!

2022 8.0 Billion inhabitants on this planet!!!

The human race has added 6.5 Billion inhabitants to this planet in just 120 years!!!

That is over 66.666 million individuals is the average born every year on this planet.

If you think that all that body heat, piss, and shit do not add to the planet’s waste which it can barely control sometimes!!!

What about all the poisonous chemicals such as fracking, off short drilling, pesticides, fertilizers, munitions, petrol, diesel, household cleaners, laundry supplies, animal waste and other hazardous byproducts!!!

This planet is becoming one overtly large chemical biological dump site!!!

Does Solent Green come to mind within this new world cultural Financial reset being forced upon us!!!

We are now living within the preamble of overtly harsh reset we are not prepared for!!!


Truth! And population controls comes with pain, as China found out with their one child policy. But starvation, water restrictions, and out of control crime are are not painless and only get worse with population growth. These in turn lead to wars, which it seems is the only population control the religious and governments of all kinds find acceptable.


Yeah there is way to many people. My walmart check out lanes are way too long,lol.

That is more because Walmart is too cheap to hire enough employees for good customer service.

@snytiger6 ok, I was just being sarcastic anyway.

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