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LINK Polio fears rise in New York amid possible community spread

(Yes, that's right. The antivaxers may be reponsible for bring polio back to the U.S.)

This 2014 illustration made available by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention depicts a polio virus particle. On Thursday, July 21, 2022, New York health officials reported a polio case, the first in the U.S. in nearly a decade. (Sarah Poser, Meredith Boyter Newlove/CDC via AP)
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This 2014 illustration made available by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention depicts a polio virus particle. On Thursday, July 21, 2022, New York health officials reported a polio case, the first in the U.S. in nearly a decade. (Sarah Poser, Meredith Boyter Newlove/CDC via AP)

ALBANY, N.Y. ✈ — New York state health officials issued a more urgent call Thursday for unvaccinated children and adults to get inoculated against polio, citing new evidence of possible “community spread” of the dangerous virus.

The polio virus has now been found in seven different wastewater samples in two adjacent counties north of New York City, health officials said.

So far, only one person has tested positive for polio — an unvaccinated adult in Rockland County who suffered paralysis. ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 5

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I'll cry when their kids get it.


Ooohh, is smallpox next? How about Whooping Cough, or maybe Cholera?
Back to the Good Old Days, ignorant people!

@Mb_Man no need to worry about monkeypox, it is just from man-on-man action...oh, wait, didn't they say the same about AIDS?

Small Pox was actually totally eradicated from the planet. The only living small pox is only in labs.

Polio still has two strains which survived in Africa and India... which evidently will be making a comeback thanks to anti-vaxers.


This is not something anyone should care about. Polio vaccine is 100% effective, really available, and likely free for children 19 and under if they otherwise can't afford them. If anti-vaxxers get polio, you are not going to see me shed a tear.

@Mb_Man For sure, but tons of stuff parents do is tantamount to child abuse (in my opinion) and is perfectly legal. I mean, you can't change this anymore than you can change any of those other things, so you're wasting that worry.

What they feed them / allowing them to become morbidly obese or exceedingly unhealthy.
Poorly homeschooling them.
Raising them as religious fundamentalists.
Raising them with poor social skills, problem solving skills, anger management skills, excessively coddling, overly spoiling, or otherwise allowing them to become horribly dysfunctional piles of trash.
I'm sure there's a ton more ways you can legally fuck up your child as well.

@Mb_Man You can't look out for the best interests of all people involved because some of their interests run counter to each other, but I guess being a smug asshole is kinda like what you described.

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