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WHOA: 11 sets of classified and top secret records found in Trump search.

By Brandi Buchman, Daily Kos staff.

The Wall Street Journal has the scoop on Friday that FBI agents who searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home hauled away 11 sets of classified documents, including top-secret items that must be housed in federal facilities.

A reported 20 boxes were taken by agents, including a handwritten note and the executive grant of clemency Trump bestowed on GOP operative and ‘Stop the Steal’ advocate Roger Stone.

The records taken by agents also reportedly include a reference to documents that are labeled as “Various classified/TS/SCI.” The TS is shorthand for “top secret,” and SCI is shorthand for “sensitive compartmented information.”

Per the Journal:

“It also says agents collected four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents. The list didn’t provide any more details about the substance of the documents."


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 12

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In an article today it was stated after he left his attorneys signed of on an affidavit that he had returned all the documents. Obviously they were lax in their due diligence and it might make them culpable. Maybe a message needs to be sent to attorneys to toe the line with sworn statements.


I've said for some time that Trump is a Russian agent with the late Ivanka and now Melania being his handlers. This has always been a joke, my own conspiracy theory based solely on 'making stuff up'.
With this information coming out, there seems to be some substance to my made up rumour.
Now, just have to get this out to conspiracy nuts to spread about the MAGAs.


As long as provides the means to throw the old bastard in jail or exile him to the Artic Circle.


I think the reason trump did not object is because he probably was ready or had shared it with breitbart, newsmax and or fox. Though I hear he's not at all happy with fox.


They gave Done Cheato plenty of opportunities to do the right thing and hand over the documents. But Foolius thumbed his nose at the DOJ. Now DOJ will have its say. Oh yeah! 😃


Time to reserve a jail cell.


Can't wait to hear how his mindless, adoring fans reason all this out, and somehow justify it.


"...the FBI is investigating Donald Trump for a potential violation of the Espionage Act..." which they say could carry a possible sentence of 20 years!!!!! []

Also, someone has leaked the warrant to Breitbart without the names of the FBI agents names redacted and these people, along with the judge are starting to get death threats. The worst thing about this is the potential for more violence.


I'm sure they had agents working in teams and maybe with cameras. Anyway, his cluelessness is Huge!!


He'll say the documents were planted.

Unity Level 8 Aug 12, 2022

That has already been implied.

It's all he has is more lies....


Trump will deny it. He always lies. That's what crooks do.

With decades of experience:

I'm sure the FBI brought cameras and people to videotape to prove the boxes were found in Trump's house. The FBI agents worked in pairs.

I would imagine the whole operation from the affidavit to obtain the search warrant and the search was filmed, documented, and methodical. Merrick Garland is a smart guy and was well aware of all the legal and political implications of the warrant and search.

@LiterateHiker I agree with you. Since when do "facts" matter to Trump and his followers? No matter what evidence and proof they have, Trump and his minions will cry... conspiracy.

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