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People criticize me for being part of xx video industry and I try to tell tell them never to judge me and all I’m trying to do is to make a living but I’m putting everything away when I see the rightful husband for me and many doesn’t believe I’m actually planning to settle down with rightful man just because of what is going in my life this life sucks

Avva 4 Sep 24

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Get Cozy With Me…Try-On Haul!

BDair Level 8 Nov 10, 2022

very realistic. nice broken english, for someone form california. leading posts, with leading comments, on their own posts. get 'em coming and goin'. this is the latest trend. steal porn stars pictures. pretend to be that porn star. and, either plead poverty, as a victim, damsel in distress. or. pretend to be rich enough, to take care of a man. if he would only love her for the real her, fake boobs and all. p.s. nice water marks, and poorly cropped borders, are a dead give away. nice try rookie. fuck off


Actually sweetie that is XXX video industry and only bone-lazy women participate.

"Bone" lazy?? LOL

@Secretguy paying attention, are ya?

@EugeneG Thanks, i try!
But Wait, weren't you just using the name @Avva?
Name change AND gender change? Only in Nigeria, and only the stupider scammers......


So you're defending the porn industry while admitting that your life sucks. That doesn't make sense.




I really hope to see

Avva Level 4 Sep 24, 2022
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