Happy 98th Birthday to our 39th President. He's our greatest former president and our oldest living president ever. Pictured of course Jimmy Carter, his wife of 75 years Rosalyn and my buddy Jim when he was just a little guy. James Earl Carter IV. He was the hero of the 2012 election. Recorded and leaked Romney's 47% speech.
Carter has a great heart. When he announced as Gov., that there was no place for segregation in Georgia, I felt as a nation, that we had reached a mile stone in America. He could not delegate tho Micro managed. He accepted the Shah of Iran, an installed despot by the CIA in a 1953 coup, whose people were brutalized by goon squads. He could have put the Shah on Guam & everything would have been ok. The great scandal was that he had lusted in his heart. A Playboy exclusive. Seems so mild compared to those that "came" later.
I don't know what a despot the Shah was. "Seems so mild compared to those that 'came' later"
Greatest? Maybe if you consider the bar to be so low by the others. Hard to compare. He didn't have enough of a record to stop Reagan from making him a one-term president. I can't recall any accomplishments other than the stagflation, wearing a sweater. The Iran Hostage rescue was a major humiliation, reminding everyone how ham-handed our military can be. Camp David? Ugh. Swine flu, maybe? How does a supposed diplomat describe an ally as being apartheid? I'll give him kudos for his Habitat for Humanity promotion.
Jimmy Carter arranged the hostage rescue but it failed due to a sandstorm and 8 servicemen died. The publicity caused the release of the hostages but Reagan had that slowed up to where the American people thought it was Reagan who freed our hostages. I was a Reagan Republican at the time.
My man, undoubtedly the most ethical, I remember the race between him and Ford; the people won either way. Trump is a psycho and Biden is mostly a bureaucrat who by virtue of seniority has been promoted far beyond his abilities. I've been forced in conversations to ask if they were Carter Christian or Trump Christian, big difference between them.
I disagree with you about Joe Biden. He's old but he's an excellent president imo.
HBD. You are the first American I can recall who praises Carter.
You talk to too many Republicans. Carter has been the most exemplary former holder of the office. He was a victim of the Iran hostage crisis.
@barjoe I always liked him, especially what he has done afterwards. But his popularity back home was never really there as far as I could tell. I always assumed he was overshadowed by Reganomics with Thatcher from the UK and the fall of the Berlin wall pushing the Carter presidency to a side note of US history.