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It's a logical step on his part, since marijuana is already almost completely legalized. He is unequivocally right that the previous laws only added too many lives. I have a positive attitude towards marijuana, especially if its used for medicinal purposes, because at this point scientists havent invented a more effective painkiller than this plant. I took CBD oil for a short time for nagging headaches - and it helped! Sometimes I buy cannabis in different forms as an experiment, for example at the Toronto Cannabis Store For Everyone I buy Friday night drinks. Shortly speaking, cannabis is available in a variety of formats.


Great journeys are begun with ONE STEP! I write him twice a month, saying merely, Cannabis: "Come on , man". I live to see the day........


Just keeping his campaign promises! Has to be blowing the Conservatives peanut brains to dust!


Darn: My conviction was for “complex possession.” So close …

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