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Dirtbag lied on application to purchase firearm by omitting drug history and cheated on taxes. Unbelievable what this creep and criminal continues to get away with

agnosticdude 2 Oct 7

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Small harms to hide the big picture.


Your claim is not supported by your headline.


Look at how many egregious crimes Trump has committed, he should have been locked away long ago. If lying on his taxes would just put Hunter Biden in jail, then Trump should be executed.

Who’s the current president???

@CourtJester It stands to reason that you would not know.

Agree, but you will never get a conservative or MAGA to ever admit that Hunter's crimes pale in comparison to Trump's. Their whataboutism is breathtaking, and even after the country is in civil war due to Trump, the right wing will still be fixated on repeating, " What about Hunter's laptop?", as if it was still relevant and the most important issue of the day...

I'm not saying at all that Hunter is not a scumbag in his own right, but, as racocn8 would say, this is one hell of a false equivilency...


You guys are still hung up on the guy that isn’t the president and totally blind to the buffoon that is killing the economy. .


@CourtJester If you believe that Trump is President, then you are just a simple-minded believer living in delusion.

A believer simply believes without evidence producing knowledge. If you have evidence that Trump won the election then you should send it to Trump, he desperately needs it before they lock him up.

@CourtJester The fact that you use ridiculous memes that have no bearing on facts or truth only shows your desperation as a believer and a member of Trump’s cult.

It is as childish as all the other Republican nonsense that they spew.


Where did I say Trump won here?
Have you been drinking?

@CourtJester I assumed that you could read, I said, "IF YOU BELIEVE that Trump is President." I won't underestimate your lack of abilities again.

Making this statement, "hung up on the guy that isn’t the president," begs the question: who do you believe IS the President?

You guys are hung up on Trump who is not the president while ignoring the fact that Biden is screwing up everything.
Where was I unclear???

@CourtJester I would say you are unclear most of the time. Disparaging Biden while asking the question: "Who’s the current president???" That sounds very much like someone in the Trump cult.

@CourtJester So, from what I can decipher from all your comments and childish memes is that you are a Republican, but not a Trumpite, you hate Biden and are now indifferent to Trump. However, you would still vote for Trump.

How is Biden screwing up everything? Be clear.


Fuel prices
Interest rates rising
Stock markets falling
Supply chain issues leading to empty store shelves

We didn’t have any of those issues under the mean orange man.

@CourtJester Just nonsense.

@CourtJester The fact that you would vote for Trump doesn't mean he is a good person or a legitimate candidate, it just means that you are just like him. And the fact that you spew the nonsense you do about Biden and the praise you have for Trump reveals that you are very ignorant and/or a Trump cultist trying to act stealthy.


It’s just comical that you liberals always rag on Trump, but no one ever brags about Biden’s accomplishments

@CourtJester Actually, Republicans don't listen to anything but the echo chamber they live in, so of course you wouldn't hear any praise for Biden or any Democrat for that matter. And that's not only comical and ignorant, it is characteristic of cults. The real truth is that you know that Trump sucks, he just represents your interests so you support the degenerate low life. That actually speaks worse about your character.


Prove us wrong

@CourtJester Actually, you must prove the assertions that you make. I have no interest in wallowing in that shit stew.

@CourtJester You are such a believer, you may not believe in a god, but you are such a believer.
You want people to believe you without evidence and you want people to believe Trump without evidence.
You have a cult leader that you follow and proclaim that he has done nothing wrong and that he is actually the victim.

That is cult and religion basics. Jesus even fits the descriptions I've mentioned.

You have deluded yourself through faith in Trump either willfully or ignorantly. I'm actually ashamed of you.


@CourtJester How do you know this? Do you know these people? Do you know what they are doing on their phones: playing games, getting news, texting best wishes to friends?

The fact is, you don't know. You believe. You see something and you judge it because of fear and bias.

You prove my point, you are just a believer. That is why I'm ashamed of you. Try accepting facts, evidence, and truth so you won't delude yourself so often and allow con men to deceive you so easily.

You just can’t accept that I think differently than you.

@CourtJester Of course I accept that fact, it is blatantly obvious. That doesn't mean bias, prejudice, and ignorance are acceptable, it just means that you are bias, prejudice, and ignorant.

I don't think you actually think, You do a lot of believing, not a lot of thinking. That is why you must use memes, you are forced to let others speak for you since you don't have the resources in yourself to actually clarify what you truly think.

Then please tel me how Biden has improved the economy; or anything else for that matter. Just give us the pros…
How are we now better than three years ago.

@CourtJester Oh please, you are just a believer. No amount of logic, or evidence, can shatter your faith which you have consciously based on a lie.

I’m still waiting for you to tell me how Biden had improved the economy. Your last response is based on (I assume) your inability to support your own statement.
If given solid evidence; I’m willing to change my mind on anything.

@CourtJester As I said, you are just a believer. No amount of logic, or evidence, can shatter your faith which you have consciously based on a lie.

That’s a typical liberal argument but (and as usual) you’re stuck on your own beliefs with no supporting evidence to prove me wrong.

@CourtJester Actually there is overwhelming evidence, others, as well as myself, continually post Biden’s accomplishments on this very site. But, as I said, you are just a believer. No amount of logic, or evidence, can shatter your faith in your cult leader which you have consciously based on a lie.

Do you believe the election was stolen?

@nogod4me you have yet to give evidence.
I’m thinking that you’re the believer.

@CourtJester Denying evidence makes you a believer.
I'm not the one who brought up Biden, you did that in trying to evade my questions. You are making assertions that you must prove.

You have got to prove how Biden damaged the economy, remember you have to prove it, not just repeat Republican nonsense.


How’s that???

Prove me wrong with numbers please.

@CourtJester Not even close to proving anything. What is your source? The meme has no details, it says nothing. You are not explaining anything at all. You are just a believer grasping for affirmations for your beliefs.


Current stock market screen shot.
Look it up you lazy democrat. I understand it would take you three seconds in google. I apologize in advance for the effort that you will have to put into seeing your societal reactions.
Did you finish the first grade????

@CourtJester Explain how Biden solely is responsible for all of it.

@CourtJester You are trying to put all the blame on Biden without even considering the truth. You are just a dishonest Republican believer, with no merit.

Wage increases have not even kept up with inflation. Most workers’ paychecks are shrinking in terms of real purchasing power. Rather than causing inflation, wages are actually reducing inflationary pressures.

The underlying economic problem is profit-price inflation. It’s caused by corporations raising their prices above their increasing costs.

Corporations are using those increasing costs – of materials, components and labor – as excuses to increase their prices even higher, resulting in bigger profits. This is why corporate profits are close to levels not seen in over half a century.

Corporations have the power to raise prices without losing customers because they face so little competition. Since the 1980s, two-thirds of all American industries have become more concentrated.

Why are grocery prices through the roof? Because just four companies control 85% of meat and poultry processing. Just one corporation sets the price for most of the nation’s seed corn. And two giant firms dominate consumer staples.

All are raising prices and increasing profits because they can.

Big pharma, comprising five giants, is causing drug prices to soar.

The airline industry has gone from 12 carriers in 1980 to just four today, all rapidly raising ticket prices.

Wall Street has consolidated into five giant banks, raking in record profits on the spreads between the interest they pay on deposits and what they charge on loans.

Broadband is dominated by three giant cable companies, all raising their prices.

Automobile dealers are enjoying record profits as they raise the retail prices of automobiles.

Gas prices have started to drop but big oil still has the power to raise prices at the pump far higher than the costs of crude.

And so on.

This is why Congress and the administration need to take direct action against profit-price inflation, rather than rely solely on the Fed to raise interest rates and put the burden of fighting inflation on average working people who are not responsible for it.

Bold antitrust enforcement is essential. Even the credible threat of antitrust enforcement can deter corporations from raising prices higher than their costs.

A windfall profits tax could also be helpful. This would be a temporary tax on price increases exceeding the producer price index’s costs of producing consumer goods.

Price controls should be a backstop. The current inflation, emerging from the pandemic, is analogous to the inflation after the second world war when economists advocated temporary price controls to buy time to overcome supply bottlenecks and prevent corporate profiteering.

Limited price controls should be considered now, for the same reasons.

The inflation we are now experiencing is not due to wage gains from excessive worker power. It is due to profit gains from excessive corporate power.

It’s profits, not wages, that need to be controlled.

Average working American households are taking it on the chin. The biggest price increases are in necessities – gas, rent, groceries. Lower-income Americans could suffer even more if the Fed keep raising interest rates to slow the economy, because the poor are the first to lose their jobs.

Politics: Republicans will try to blame Biden and the Democrats, but it’s Republicans on Capitol Hill who refuse to consider a windfall tax, refuse to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy, and won’t give Medicare the power to negotiate (and thereby reduce) the prices of prescription drugs. Meanwhile, Biden has little or no control over most of the factors behind today’s inflation. Nonetheless, today’s report is bad news for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections, since a president always gets blamed (or credited) for an economy. - Robert Reich

@nogod4me I’m guessing that you have never managed a business


@CourtJester Again you prove yourself to be a prejudice and ignorant believer. I've owned the same business for over 30 years.

Do you think your childish memes prove anything. They only prove you are ignorant and are in Trump's cult.

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