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LINK The Humanist Dilemma: My Husband Is Pressuring Me to Have Plastic Surgery -

The last time he came at me with this request, I told him, “If you like big boobs so much, why don’t you get implants yourself, and then you can enjoy them any time you like?” He did not take it well.

He knew my bra size before he married me, and he could have just kept looking for a more voluptuous (or obedient) woman. What do you make of this?

—Promised to Love and Honor, Not to Enlarge

zblaze 7 Apr 29

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I prefer natural. It’s obviously a personal choice. I love smaller breasts!


Just say no (seriously if he objectifies her that much I don't know why she would stay, I'm confident that this is not the whole issue)


Your husband is not well - maybe looking for his mummy? Love your suggestion that he gets 'em, not you!


Your response was very good


Big fake boobs destroy marriages.
Get big fake boobs.
He'll take you out on the town to show them off.
And then you'll end up meeting someone better.
And he'll be left home alone wondering why he wanted you to get big fake boobs in the first place

Best advice EVER!


Dump him.

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