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Money root of all evil? True or false?

EmeraldJewel 7 Apr 29

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The quote is "The love of money is the root of all evil". People like Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt were born with money, but did a lot of good for our country. There have been many people who have loved money and caused a lot of harm. I'm sure that you can think of examples.


How?????.... why?????...... ok, I'll be decent and I will answer your question: Totally and completely utterly FALSE (For one thing, if most of us here do not believe in God then why do you think we are going to believe in his competitor?.. evil that is)


The More they Have, The More they Want. Ask 45 because he is still raking it in on the Tax Payers Dime at Margo Lago.


Money, or the accumulation of wealth is an expression of the ego - that is the cause of all evil.

AndyL Level 3 Apr 29, 2018

It certainly creates most crime. Corporate greed definitely leads to problems for the rest of us. It can also be used for good, legitimate charities for example. Unfortunately in this country it has become too important. It can also be a generational thing. There will be a generation that comes along who will value something more than owning a bunch of stuff.


Not money in and of itself. But avarice might be the source of many evils.


I believe the whole saying is - Love of money is the root of all evil.

I think it is one of many roots and not one of the deepest.


No. Human nature is.


One of a few causes of massive confusion .. because money can get you out of poverty.


No. Only one of several.


The word evil as religious connotations so its better to clarify/define properly


false. its religion


It is the cornerstone of civilization. It allows us to voluntarily trade value to our mutual benefit. That root of all evil mentality it somewhat biblical.


Recognizing worthless paper and pocket rocks as having monetary value is a necessity to a civil society.

It is when people value that imaginary wealth over actual human lives that trouble begins.


"The lack of money is the root of all evil."
Mark Twain


You know, growing up, I heard that saying tossed around all the time. Money was always portrayed as this mysterious force that could either make or break you. But as I've gotten older and experienced more of life's ups and downs, I've come to see it in a different light.
Sure, money can stir up some real drama, especially when people let it consume them. But at the same time, it's also a tool that can be used for good, whether it's helping out loved ones in need or supporting causes you believe in.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to make some quick cash? I've been there, too, and let me tell you, it can be a real scramble. I actually stumbled upon some tips on how to make quick money in one day recently.


Probably best to define evil before ascertaining what it’s root is!




Please send your evil and be done with it ok. I can handle evil just fine.


Love of money, maybe...


Hate is one of the roots.


The quote is actually, "the love of money is the root of all evil". It is taken from the New Testament, the book of Timothy. Too frequently it is presumed that money is as a means of exchange is what is evil. This, I believe to be in error, since the love of money is symptomatic of a more pervasive problem, that being greed fueled by pride.


That is certainly false, and I think that is a very regressive notion. People love to rip on economic features like subjective value, but giving up on currency is basically giving up on an economy. In alternative scenarios, people either work for nothing, and/or get paid in resources, and respectively, it becomes a highly demotivational or hairy scenario (if you are getting paid in resources, then you could end up with major time/energy costs if you get paid in something you don't want.)

I think the real issue with currency is its distribution in the face of its volatile value. centralized powers have a tendency to just become bloated ticks, leeching money from the money pool, and it creates a lot of problems.


I believe the biblical quote is something along the lines of, "Love of money is the root of all evil." It's not necessarily the love of money, but the love of power in my opinion. There may be an evil deed who's root cause might be something other than power, but I can't think of one off hand.


Yeah, the love of money

N7EIE Level 6 Apr 29, 2018
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