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Seems an actual expert eg one on the ground has claimed covid-19 was developed in a lab. Be interested to know if the NIH or EcoHealth Alliance had any involvement in the biolabs constructed with foreign funds in Ukraine since 2014.
If true, the people who approved this research need to be shot, especially if they have actively tried to suppress this theory (Looking at you Fauci). Developing bioweapons is a war crime, a crime against humanity.

puff 8 Dec 5

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Waving your arms & hysterically passing on Total BS isn't helpful to Anyone.

More cold and calculating in a vengeful sort of way than hysterical is how I feel. Is hysterical how I come across?
Does make one angry if covid-19 was man made though. Especially if those doing the making also happen to be able to slip into vaccine "warp speed" making mode, when necessary, to combat their engineered virus. A self perpetuating machine. Now that's science!!!

@puff the same theory was thrown about when AIDS appeared, and no doubt when the Black Death was around (godless Knights Templar, maybe?).
Some just must find someone/something to blame when Nature simply looks for openings & exploits them. Grow up!

@AnneWimsey It's a whistleblower rather than a theory. Involved in making natural occurring viruses stronger and more deadly aka Gain of Function, specifically in Wuhan and with coronaviruses, claims Covid-19 is engineered virus that escaped.
This type of research is banned most places for good reason, especially in white privilege countries, so you just fund it to be done elsewhere.
Now if during this modification of naturally occurring viruses the said viruses were also enabled to jump species into humans, that needs to be verified and whoever approved this research, be shot for crimes against humanity. Why? So some numbskull doesn't try to do it again.

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