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LINK 'Top evangelicals' are never going to back away from Donald Trump

(I've no doubt that Trump's multiple scandals resemble the private lives of a lot of evangelicals.)

Are (white) evangelicals backing away from Donald Trump? You might think that if you read this headline at Semafor:

The article is mostly a short list of prominent white evangelicals who appear to be done with Trump. They’re fed up with his fixation on the 2020 elections and they’re disturbed by his more recent meetings with white nationalists (Nicholas Fuentes) and antisemites (Kanye West) and reporter Shelby Talcott writes that “prominent evangelicals are beginning to shy away from supporting former President Donald Trump’s third bid for office.” ...

snytiger6 9 Dec 6

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They don't give a God-damn about anything except how much they can further their power. 45 needs their members to be his Army so they will forgive and accept a meager repentance.


Too little too late M-F-ers!

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