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Twitter or mastodon?
Follow both with Twidere app

godfree2 6 Dec 12

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You can also follow Mastodon on the FediVerse. [] I'm holding off from more than lurking until we know more about these new platforms and who's really joining them.


I spend far too much time on tippity-tapping away as it is!


I tried Mastodon. I can't figure it out and I have no idea how to use it. It's even stupider than Reddit.

I'm trying it now and getting more used to the reason for hashtags. It is different but that's what should make it more secure and less mean.

@rainmanjr As you can tell, I like mean.

@barjoe I've noticed. It has its moments.

@rainmanjr I don't understand how it works.

@barjoe Choose a Server/Host (called an "instance" ) who's theme is good for you and then use #'s to find specific topics.

@rainmanjr Yeah but how do I search for people to follow and how do I know what "instance" they're in?

@barjoe The hashtags allow you to see the post across instances. Click on an interesting hashtag and begin following people who you like within it. You will do the same with other hashtags and people who follow you so no problem getting populated.

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