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LINK Donald Trump’s ‘Major Announcement’ Was To Hawk His $99 NFT Trading Cards

You can't make this stuff up. Trump's "Major Announcement" is that he's selling trading cards, non-fungible tokens, for $99 a piece. Let's just see how stupid his followers are. I'm putting this under Silly, Random & Fun.

barjoe 9 Dec 15

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He belongs in a carnival.


I can't wait to see the SNL skit based on this! 😂

I can wait for the rest of my life to watch SNL. That show has sucked for 40 years.

@barjoe I laughed out loud at Dave Chappelle's monologue the other night.


Pathetic grifter


It's so ridiculous, it's like he's parodying himself! 😂😂😂


🤣🤣 in a thousand years or so they my be considered worthless on the antique road show.

It's an NFT, which means it only exists digitally. Can that be considered an actual artifact?

@Flyingsaucesir If it is on a CD or a thumb drive, maybe?
Whatever the cards are on, they will be an Antique in a thousand years.

@MrDragon Given how fast Cheato's stock is falling, I'd say they're already outdated.


This proves how desperately Donald Trump needs money. I posted a similar thing on it in Trump Pinata. Followers would have to be mighty stupid to fall for this one. On some of the cards Trump is a superhero.

He's just greedy


All republicans are fucking stupid. Especially the ones who still support 45.


I said yesterday, whatever his "big" announcement is, it will contain a grift. It not only contains a grift, it is a grift.


(sarcasm) I should be so privileged!!

I wouldn’t have it as a gift for free. It would be in the T files (Trash).


🤣 what a f'n gifted. He'll sell anything to make a buck.

That's supposed to be grifter, sometimes I hate spell check.

@Gwendolyn2018 so true.


Instead of Republicans, they should be called Rube-pulicans.

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