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LINK Taliban-led Afghan administration suspends women from universities | Reuters

(Stangely this comes after they suspended secondary education (high school) education for women. With this latest education ban, women now can only at best receive the equivalent of a 6th grade education.)

KABUL, Dec 20 (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Taliban-run higher education ministry on Tuesday suspended access to universities by female students until further notice, drawing strong condemnation from the United States, Britain and the United Nations.

A letter, confirmed by a spokesperson for the higher education ministry, instructed Afghan public and private universities to suspend access to female students immediately, in accordance with a Cabinet decision.

... (follow link for rest of article)

snytiger6 9 Dec 21

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Unfortunately that seems to be what most of the people of Afghanistan want as they continue to support the radical Islamic Muslim Taliban.

You mean what most of the men want. The women don't really have a voice.

@snytiger6 Maybe they ought to be more vocal. American women would go berserk if we treated them that way.

@snytiger6 It's a myth that most Afgans support Taliban.
In 2019, a survey found that only 13.4 percent of Afghans had sympathy for the Taliban (dropped from half of Afgans supporting Taliban in 2009). As intra-Afghan peace talks stalled in early 2021, an overwhelming majority surveyed said it was important to protect women’s rights, freedom of speech, and the constitution.
People like Trajan61 want to spread misinformation for whatever reason.

@Ryo1 I don’t think I believe that survey. It seems that the only way to get rid of the Taliban is to kill them.


I feel sorry for all the females in that country. I like educated women.


Some male uni students walked out of the campus in support of female students who have been deprived of education. Those girls have been protesting against Taliban's ban for some time now. The rest of the world is not doing anything to help them - only condemnation - very frustrating.

Ryo1 Level 8 Dec 21, 2022


What do you purpose we do to help them? The majority of the country supports the Taliban. That’s the reason for those crazy policies.

@Trajan61 Update your info, mate.
In 2019, a survey found that only 13.4 percent of Afghans had sympathy for the Taliban (dropped from half of Afgans supporting Taliban in 2009). As intra-Afghan peace talks stalled in early 2021, an overwhelming majority surveyed said it was important to protect women’s rights, freedom of speech, and the constitution.

@Ryo1 If that’s the case why is the Taliban in power?

@Trajan61 Clue: by the use of force and violence, which they are best at. You could do some research if you're interested.
This isn't a bad site: []

@Ryo1 We we’re over there for 20 years. Why in the hell didn't we kill the Taliban?

@Ryo1 The Taliban evidently have a lot of support or they wouldn’t be in power.

@Trajan61 Don't embarrass yourself by asking silly questions. Look it up, man.


PAST Time to withdraw sex until the assholes wise up!!!!!!

If they believe sex should be consensual that might work. However, they, as in the people in charge, don't generally believe that.

Personally, I think women should be able to say "no", and when men don't listen then the women should take a page from the book of Loraine Bobbit.

@snytiger6 That would definitely get their attention.

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