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All religions were invented by opportunist leaders who wanted to exploit human fear and ignorance! I do not believe in any supernatural entity, but I believe in eternity of the soul. when I was 26, I died in a car crash and had a Near Death experiment. I went through 3 previous war deaths and I met my dead mother who told me about my future life. They brought me back at the hospial and I woke up after 3 days of coma. I never believed in any religious garbage after death. My mother in Heaven told me there was no such thing as a God!

Enjoy being online again!

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There is no evidence anywhere that there is such a thing as a soul, other than you. Was your mother in Heaven when she told you there is no such thing as God? Is a soul created at the moment of conception?


I Had a similar experience . I was above my body looking down on the surgery and saying they are doing a nice job.


Duh. A "Near Death experience" is NOT death.


religion was just a variable of the rules early communities gave to their members as we changed from hunter/gatherers to farmers.

Indeed! It dominated Quebec (Canada) society until World War Two! After all the War cruelties and the corruption scandals of the Roman Catholic Church controlling the Quebec Government, the peasant people became industrial workers with the War effort and they organized Trade Unions! Women,s decided to stop producing babies by fear of God and they started divorcing their drunken husbands.

From 1960 with the creation of the Welfare State, the Quiet Revolution invaded Quebec Society and religion was put out of the public schools and the churches were left empty. Now we face Muslim Invasion and we must invest in social emancipation training for those new citizens who live in the Dark Ages with a demonizing image of women...

The survival of humanity is through liberation from fear and religions. We must face global climate crisis and stop the overpopulation of our planet. The ship is sinking and a lot of people will perish without any puppet gogs to save them...

@luclaviolette well, that shows a church group that is operating in a selfish manner ... like today's evangelicals in the US. But it doesn't say that religions are only created to be bad.


I understand completely...I've been sleeping with Marilyn Monroe for months now.

Lucky guy! She's not my type though! My fiancée is from Beijing and quite authoritarian like my mother! A school teacher!


So there is Heaven but no god. Interesting.

There was never a need for a God. Kings invented God to justify their total rule over life and death! God is a patriarchal invention, but life is matriarchal like the original human society. Refer to American Natives for matriarchal societies.


Yes i too have experinced soul seperation,and know we do go somewhere.Either back to the sun for rebirth,or to a anti matter galaxy

I was alone with my mother in a place of pure light. I felt happy because I understood everything and everything was so clear and simple! My mother told me of my past, what to change immediately and I would study all my life and know success only after 65 with happiness, love and children!


You probably will want to check out our Near Death Group.

That would be interesting. I was rated with an IQ of 165 when I was 16! I am a nerd and an very happy to understand what is happening, but sad that there is not much to do to change things...


All religions were Marketing Agencies to consolidate a Feudal Empire! The roman Catholic Church was created by Emperor Constantine and a Marketing Team. The Bible became Harry Potter of the Dark Ages!

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