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LINK Scientists publish the first complete human genome | Reuters

Here's a fine example of why many don't trust science based claims. I had read, heard, and been told that scientists had mapped the entire human genome. haha. It turns out that was a lie. 8% was missing. Is this all of it, then, or will we get another story (in two decades) about another percentage that wasn't mapped? Only the scientists know.

rainmanjr 8 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Ohferpetessake, do you really feel this post is worthy of you?

Yes. I do. But thanks for the compliment.


You should not trust any claims made by anyone or any institution entirely. Scientist do not themselves do that, and more than that it is the fundamental principle upon which scientific philosophy is built, that all claims are subject to correction and reevaluation. It is exactly therefore, because it is the only thought system which values its mistakes as good things, that you can trust scientific claims more than any other, though not completely.


It is actually quite hard to define what is the genome, since most individuals have some mutations and a lot of genetic variation, not even all the base pairs match up, so saying you have the entire genome, is really a quite subjective statement anyway.

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