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LINK Time Travel For Real This Time with Brian Greene & Neil deGrasse Tyson

The gravity (pressure) within a singularity could contain time from slowing down enough to allow calm. If that gravity changed then would time begin to speed up and explode into a duality? Cause/Causation begins to take place, electrons (energy) are freed to migrate, and the 10,000 things (this illusion) is born within magnetic bonding of electrons. This is my theory

and I think science itself will one day demonstrate it. If we adopt it now it would not stop scientific inquiry/achievement but would also recognize principles of religion (illusions have no evolution). We could unite the two and have a do over but it would be a deliberate and intentional decision allowing humans to progress. At this time I see no other way to do that. It is said that invention is the mother of necessity☯️
rainmanjr 8 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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would also recognize principles of religion (illusions have no evolution). We could unite the two
you silly

Why is that silly? Do you think humans can progress without uniting the two? It looks to me that the population is evenly divided and that kind of division usually gets settled with violence (which is unpredictable in outcome). If they must be resolved then my theory does it. Religious folks save face (even get to keep practicing a spiritual communion) and science gets to keep finding new tech based on quantum physics instead of Einstein. I don't see the loss except to ego.


For real? What are they smoking?

The good stuff.


I ❤️ science! I ❤️ NdGT! 😂

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