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LINK N.R.A. Gun Ban During Pence’s Speech Leaves Him Vulnerable to Bear Attack, DeVos Warns

I'm sure some of you have seen my snarky comments about DeVos and I've devoted esp. snark to the bear attack remark. She has become my go-to whenever there's a bear-sighting in Abingdon, which happens fairly frequently and sometimes near the library. (I've even helpfully sent her a tweet requesting her personal attention to this matter, as I'm sure she's carrying. 😉)

BookDeath 8 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I think the article is from a sarcastic writer, Andy Borowitz from the New Yorker Magazine. Its written tonque n cheek.


Calling Betsy DimVos "Lightweight" insults lightweights, (tiny people and boxers) everywhere.
And i found it Hilarious that the NRA didn't feel safe having gun nuts with guns at their convention. Hilarious in a sick, ignorant, psycho way.

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