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Evangelical Super Bowl comments

ADKSparky 8 Feb 12

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Not all evangelicals are the same. There is a wide diversity of beliefs and practices within evangelical Christianity. Some evangelicals may retro bowl have strong objections to certain aspects of the Super Bowl, such as the halftime show, while others may see it as a harmless form of entertainment.


Not all evangelicals are the same. There is a wide diversity of beliefs and practices within evangelical Christianity. Some evangelicals may retro bowl have strong objections to certain aspects of the Super Bowl, such as the halftime show, while others may see it as a harmless form of entertainment.


Excellent article, many thanks! It's critical to look into ways to be informed and connected in this digital age. One of the easiest ways to get there is to read articles like this one, but as an adult 1v1 lol it can be challenging to find the time and concentration to read. As a result, I'm thrilled to have read this piece.


That “ he get us “ shit 😡
Wow . Just wow . I don’t watch football . And I am home . A co worker texted me ( atheist as well ), and I found a link at cnn with what’s all about .
Wow . Jesus must getting nervous . Million of $$ nervous to advertise .
Jesus doesn’t get shit . But who is listening 🙄

Once again the far right is trying to make their brand of bullshit seem like it's really tasty.


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