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LINK Biden declares ‘Kyiv stands’ in surprise visit to Ukraine

Haven’t seen Kremlin’s response yet or NATO allies. I think it’s a bold announcement from the US given the timing. Biggest take away in my opinion was:

Zelenskyy said he and Biden spoke about “long-range weapons and the weapons that may still be supplied to Ukraine even though it wasn’t supplied before.”

Garban 8 Feb 20

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I saw the news report and,.as usual, looked at the comments. One stood out: *"This is about whether or not a precedent will be set that nations can simply invade each other without consequence. That precedent would lead to WW3 with 100% certainty. CERTAINTY. This is the critical practice run for defending Taiwan. We are improving how we move massive military equipment across the globe quickly. If Ukraine falls, Taiwan is immediately next and you have WW3. This is our BEST chance to avoid that larger war. Stopping Putin in Ukraine is probably the ONLY way to avoid WW3.

@Garban We seem to be treading in the same waters as the 'Beer Hall Putsch' and some of the conditions today are the same as then. However, we cannot have a third world war.

@Garban An unfortunate fact of life.


The move has it's detractors for sure BUT Biden's looking pretty spry compared to images of don lardo and the pasty looking images of putin I've seen lately.
That aside, this is sort of what a statesman does when the pressing issues of governing aren't keeping him in the WH. Don't see Congress doing anything for all Americans in the U.S. and no idea what the Senate is up to, better than running to the golf course and probably did not cost the taxpayers what don lardo spent at his clubs.


Imagine Mr. tRump making such a visit. The very thought of such a move would send him into a major shit fit. The problem with the tRumpturds is they are cowards. Without their guns they would be shivering in every corner.

If Trump was still in the WH there would no a free Kyiv he could travel to. Without the support from the US, Ukraine would fall within weeks.


A HUGE propaganda victory for Russia. Very possibly a desperation move on Biden's part.

You are definitely persistent.

Well, Druvius, it is surprising that you are saying the same thing as Marjorie Taylor Greene.

No, I just don't buy the Cold War twaddle that the Dems/MSM are promoting. Biden just admitted/showed it's his war. He's doubling down on a geopolitical strategy that has failed so far. This may make him look good to Dems, but appearing to be a US puppet isn't a good look for Zellensky.

@OldGoat43 "Well, Druvius, it is surprising that you are saying the same thing as Marjorie Taylor Greene." Do you understand that this is a logical fallacy, and can be dismissed with prejudice? I'm guessing not.


I'm sure the Kremlin will respond yet, just give it a little more time. Yeah, being Kyiv is obviously still around and hasn't been taken over yet or outright annihilated, did Biden really need to tell us the obvious?

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