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Should we demand/expect for respect?

In the things, we say and do. If you do not demand respect then you are trying to earn it. If you do demand then you are not trying to earn it, you take it as an entitlement.
For me, I do not demand or expect anyone to respect me, I do not disrespect anyone, but before I can respect anyone I need to know what they are doing or saying, If not then I am just doing things blindly that is very stupid of me.

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TuyTran888 6 May 2

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I think everyone deserves respect whether they are in trouble or not. I give my respect freely but I stay well away from those who I know would be abusive not their fault but I stay safe none the less

If a person doing something that is stupid, respecting it would make me stupid as well.

@TuyTran888 It doesn't work that way for me as I have constant self -respect and i know i am not stupid and nothing could make me stupid - and as I said I would stay well away but I still respect the humanity in a person and know I am not always kind ,sometimes irritable

@jacpod So you are saying that you do not have any repeat mistakes at all? You know all your mistakes and you fixed it all?

@jacpod If I am respecting something that is stupid, does that making me stupid as well? Let say I respect someone is being racist. Does that making me stupid?

@TuyTran888 I live a very quiet life in sheltered accommodation I am 70 years old and in my life have made many mistakes but these days no I don't have to work I don't have to see anyone I find difficult and I have no insecurities - So I have a choice whether to suffer fools gladly or not and I will give you a choice as this is getting tedious - either you block me or i will block you

@jacpod blocking people is just a sign of weakness. You deal with what you can handle. For me I am trying not to be so weak. The ages does not mean the intelligence rate is going the same.


People who demand respect need to earn it. People who earn respect don't need to demand it

Well said


Demanding respect is the quickest way to ensure you won't get it.


I can't vote because your poll doesn't make sense. But, I will answer the questions.

Should we demand/expect respect? No
Should we need to earn it? Yes

The second part is not a question. it just a statement to an option if you do not demand/expect it.


Everyone should be respected from the start. But respect can be lost. The only way respect should be earned is when it lost.

I think we have lost the true definition of "respect" though. A feeling of deep admiration based on achievements or abilities. On a basic level, all people should be treated kindly until they have lost that priviledge.

to think with privilege is to given out freely. That is to supply to their demand or entitlement.
I do not demand or expect anyone to respect me, I do not disrespect anyone, but before I can respect anyone I need to know what they are doing or saying, If not then I am just doing things blindly that is very stupid of me.


My parents demanded respect, as did teachers at school, they never got it, only obedience.


Respect can only be earned. Demanding "respect" is actually getting fear.

godef Level 7 May 2, 2018

I answered yes, but I would have to qualify this. There are definitely instances where respect or at least outward signs of respect are needed. I am going into a profession that I will expect a certain level of respect from my subordinates, even if only on a superficial level. I will work hard to deserve that respect. I will give respect and be open to respectful criticism from everyone. However, there are plenty of times depending on what type of respect a person is expecting that it will most certainly need to be earned and the aforementioned superficial respect would be meaningless. Personally, I try to give everyone respect as people, even in the face of them not respecting me. For example, I made a comment online that flew in the face of a large group of conservatives and I got a heavy dose of reticule. Instead of matching the animosity directed at me, I kept my responses to people based on ideas and facts rather than the name calling I was getting. In over a hundred comments ripping on me, I probably answered 30+ people and only got 2 reasonable responses back. I never attacked others on the thread personally and still did not expect that in return, even if it would have actually led to more productive dialogue.


When someone demands respect, they are practically begging me to disrespect them.


Even if you have shown the level of integrity to be able to say you have earned society's respect it doesn't mean that people will give you the respect you are entitled to. People respect others who are undeserving of that respect according to civilized, social norms, just look at some of the populist leaders that have been respected by large groups of people over the course of history.
Hitler was well respected, Lenin was well respected, Idi Amin as well and let's not forget the current resident of the White House who garners a great deal of respect from his loyal followers.
Self Respect is what matters to me more than anything because if I don't have that then I don't have anything.


Need to change the answers on your poll as they don't make sense.

But I work on the basis of giving everyone my respect until they have shown themselves to be undeserving of it, amazing how many manage that.

I would never demand respect for myself, always found the demand itself to be evidence that the person probably isn't worthy of respect so they have had to rely on demands, happy to earn respect.

Kimba Level 7 May 2, 2018

I did not ask if you give respect or not, I asked if you would demand respect or not? Now how should I modify the answer to?

If you do not demand respect then the answer would be no, isn't it?

@TuyTran888 Your question is an "or" question, so the options should be "demand" and "earn". If the question had just been "Should we demand for respect?" then yes or no work as answers.

@Kimba Yes, I use or. Which would you do? would you demand respect or not?

@Kimba If you are not demand for respect, that mean you have to earn it. If you demand for respect, then what would motivate you to earn it?


Respect Is earned.Being polite is being civil.

Coldo Level 8 May 2, 2018

Respect is earned never demanded. When you demand the ego comes in play When there is ego -greed control,selfish and all the other traits surface !!!

Rosh Level 7 May 2, 2018

Respect is a choice. It cannot be earned nor can be forced. It is a gift that we can all choose to give to life. If respect were shown based on a demand for it then it would not be true respect so choosing to hang around people that do show us respect is really our only option for receiving it. My relationship with my mother would be a great example of neither tactic having any effect. I can neither force her to show me respect nor have I been able to earn it. It is either given freely or not at all so self respect would be the best way to resolve how others treat us because when we respect ourselves we will simply walk away from those that do not show us respect.


Your rights demand respect, your character has to earn it.

Does demand respect is a good way of life or not?

@TuyTran888 Can you try that again?

@Malara Do you know what we do is a piece of our way of life correct? So I am asking if we demand respect, is that a good way of life?

@Malara let me try this way. We have the right to say anything we want, correct? But should we say stupid things? What would that do to our character?

@TuyTran888 Your rights demand respect because you're born with them. That's not going to change. Everyone is born with the same rights. Your character develops based on your upbringing, experiences, choices, education. Your character earns respect based on how they are utilized.

@Malara We do not born with the right of demand for respect. The rights to demand for respect are from idiots that do not know how to earn their respect. They people given them freely. They do not want to have responsibility for their own action.

@TuyTran888 So we're not born with rights that are to be respected?

@Malara Such right is created by human. We do not born with it. It like religion, Do we born with it?


Some people do not deserve respect based on their actions. Case in point our Buffoon in Office; I have no respect for his behaviors because he exhibits no common decency. I try to respect others until their behavior gives me a reason to disrespect that behavior. And for me, I would rather think that I have no respect for a particular behavior rather than an entire person. Yeah I know, it's just semantics

I do not demand or expect anyone to respect me, I do not disrespect anyone, but before I can respect anyone I need to know what they are doing or saying, If not then I am just doing things blindly that is very stupid of me.

Hate the sin, love the sinner kinda thing

@zorialoki yeah wouldn't call it love though. Maybe it is more of ignoring them

@TuyTran888 I would never advocate doing things blindly. I like to have all the information then I can choose whether it is my battle or not. No one can argue pretzel logic

@AmelieMatisse When we given people respect without the try to know who, how, or what they actually are, We are doing thing blindly and also advocate it as well. That is what happens when we say one thing and we do it another. and we do not even aware of it.

@AmelieMatisse Depends on what type of pretzel it is based on

Actions are meaningless unless they lead to some positive results. For me respect and trust go hand-in-haand.


I try to treat others with respect, in my mind when someone demands respect I cannot give it too them. The demand in and of itself decreases that likelihood. I feel respect and trust go hand in hand. Once I have been shown by another person that I can trust them in difficult situations then my mind respects them more. I personally can’t make anyone do anything, like respect me. That’s their choice not mine.

Shar Level 3 May 2, 2018

Demanding respect....wish in one hand, spit in the other, see which fills up the fastest!
Ever hear of Frag the Lieutenant?

I haven't heard of Frag the Lieutenant yet.

I have never heard of that term, but I know in at least Vietnam many a lieutenant were taken out by their own men for the safety of the many

@TuyTran888 from the Vietnam War, yes....incompetent by the book new lieutenants had a habit of dying.

@AnneWimsey well, in other words, We should not respect things that are stupid?

@TuyTran888 i don't....your personal choice whether you do or not......if. you. were an Infantryman In Vietnam who knew the new lieutenant would Get Your Entire Platoon Killed..........???


The way my childhood was, I don't have any respect for authorities unless I see how they act or react.

well, with authority, we do it out of fear more than respect.

@TuyTran888 You should see my arrest record for protesting against authorities , I have no fear of them at all.

@buzz13 Well, I have to look at each of those arrests carefully, to see which one is not being stupid, lolz.

@buzz13 Not fearful of authority is one thing, but not careful is another reason why we are being stupid.


I don't think about it.

Then what is the use for your brain?

@TuyTran888 l simply don't care about what other people think about me, and haven't for decades. I have no control over other people and whether they respect me or not. I use my brain for all kinds of things, that just ain't one of them. ?

@Sticks48 So all the things your brain can do, but not this one is that what you saying?


Your choices don't match your questions, so I can't vote.

So what is your choice or answer?

@TuyTran888 Your choices, "yes" or "no" do not fit your poll questions, as Many are pointing out! Why are you being a dick about it?

@AnneWimsey asking questions is being a dick? that is only those that like the preacher from religious bullshit.

@AnneWimsey You do not want to learn, I do, I study and research human.


It's not a yes or no question so I can't answer the poll, but I've always thought respect should be lost not won, respect everybody at first meeting and let them keep it by behaving properly.


You didn’t ask a yes or no question. So that’s a bit confusing. But I voted no because I’m answering the first part of your question.

A person should never demand respect.

There is only one question. The other is just an option if we do not demand or expect respect.


This brings to mind Rodney Dangerfield, "No respect." I'm comfortable in my skin, so it really doesn't matter to me. Some respect me, some don't, you can't please everyone.


Ill let you know when I became Emperor of the known Universe !!


Every person and living thing has the right to a certain base amount of respect. Every individual should respect others and be respected as an individual. However, the respect a superior expects of a subordinate? That kind of respect, in my opinion, is something that must be earned.
So in conclusion, we should demand equality of respect among all people, but where it is due, some can earn a different level of respect. That does not mean I think some people are better than others.
Did that make sense? I don't want it to sound like I'm saying some people are lesser, because that's not true!

Would you respect a racist, a murder, a con-artist....?

I respect that they are a living thing. But from their actions they have proven that they do not deserve respect. They have made themselves lesser, not as a living thing, but as a person through their actions, and therefore I would not respect them. I would not be cruel to them, I would not infringe upon their rights, but I wouldn't tolerate their ignorance or philosophy. If that makes any sense.

@Cha So if they have and has been a racist, a murder, a con-artist and you did not bother to find out and you just given them respect freely, Then what kind of person are you?

I respect people and treat them with respect when I first meet them. I am not omnipotent, I do not know what kind of individual they are when I meet them. If I were to discover their true nature then I would have no respect for them. I would not respect them, I would respect that they are a being capable of thought, not an object, but I would have no respect for them as a person.
Does it make me a bad person to treat everyone like they're people when I first meet them? I would think not. I will not approach someone with disdain and undermine what they may be merely because of what they could be.

@Cha Should we do thing that we know instead of keep doing the same thing over and over again without knowing it? Why would you respect something that you do not know? There are a lot of stupid things out there. Would you just respect a stupid thing?

@TuyTran888 I'm not sure I'm understanding your argument here. Do you suggest that when I first meet someone I should NOT treat them well? That I should be rude, ambivalent and callous towards them until I know what they are like, and thus decide whether or not to respect them?
As to respecting someone I do not know, I think you're misinterpreting what I mean. I do not mean respect them as though they are a praiseworthy individual. I mean respect them as they to are an individual.

@Cha When you first meet someone, why do you treat them badly? to treat them well does not mean you are respecting them.

@Cha Any time I meet someone, does not matter if it is the first time or not. I listen to them, pay attention to them and analyze what they said and do, find facts in what they saying, If they have some oposite thinking, find out if that is something I missing if it is a thoughtful thinking or not or is it just a selfish or deluded thought, I would not look down on them if they have a deluded thought, or being selfish, I would try to find ways to explain it to them, I would not try to avoid them or hate them. I would try to encourage them to think more be more critical thinking and how we can all improve our knowledge. How to bring mankind better, instead of stuck in our little mind and being selfish little self.

@Cha When you said, you respect them as an individual. What do you know about them as an individual to respect? how much do you know? the lack of knowing them is the amount you given respect to them blindly. Doing things blindly is what? Do you know what does that do to ourself?

@TuyTran888 I do not treat anyone poorly when I meet them. I'm honestly confused by what you're saying. I treat people with respect when I meet them, common human decency, it does not mean I DO respect them. I don't know enough about them to actually respect them.
To be honest it almost sounds as though your are accusing me of being selfish and not critically thinking. Which, I would personally think, is not relevant to whether or not people deserve respect.

@Cha Do you know that respect means "admire, condone, support to whatever they do?

@Cha If you do not respect them then you are not treating them with respect. I do not disrespect, or I would just blindly respecting them. I would try to figure and find out what exactly that they are doing.

@TuyTran888 Alright, I see my point is not being understood so I will not press this matter further.

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