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When Left Meets Right

BDair 8 Mar 15

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Both are Ultra Right Wing and both are obnoxious pieces of shit.

A year or so ago, Mr. Brand was considered far Left.
He has broadened his perspective more recently,
which you apparently are unable to do.

He comes across to me as being more on the Progressive side......

@BDair If broadening my perspective includes embracing fascism? You are correct. I am unable to do that.

At what point in the video was Fascism implied?

@BDair TBH that screaming Brit and Fucker Carlson are both wastes of oxygen.

It would appear that millions of people disagree with you.
But, you have every right to hold your own opinions,
which is precisely the point made in the video.

@BDair So what? Millions of people voted for Donald Fuckity-Fuck Trump. Millions of people watch Fucker Carlson on FucksNews. Millions (Billions) of people believe in God. What kind of bullshit it that?

You might do better to try to understand other people's
perspectives and be more tolerant of their views.
Perhaps they know something you do not.

@BDair Learn something from Tucker Carlson, FoxNews or Religious people? Not a chance. I'm tolerant of people in general, I don't preach to them and I refuse to have people preach to me. I know people who I like who have FoxNews on TV 24/7. I don't talk politics with them. I even used to date a Republican girl, she belonged to a church too. I occasionally berated her for both. It didn't work out.

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