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This was posted in the "Trump Pinata" group. A group I have been banned from for pointing out the nonsense:

Obama was in office for 8 years.
Trump was in office for 4 years.
Biden has been in office for 2 years.

So for the last 14 years, 10 years have been Obama/Biden, and 4 years have been Trump.

It's absolutely stupefying that some would attempt to blame Trump for the train derailments and bank failures:

BD66 8 Mar 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Regulations matter, if they are in place, and don't if they are removed. 45 removed Dodd-Frank and High Speed Train Safety (which included brakes) so these are his fault. 45 also shut down Obama's Pandemic Response Unit as his first official action. Wrong on all three.

Writing a regulation does not stop something bad from happening. Repealing a regulation does not cause something bad to happen. Let's see what Barney Frank (author of the Dodd-Frank legislation) has to say about it.

Frank, who pushed for some of the 2018 changes, doesn’t agree that deregulation of small and midsize banks championed by Trump in 2018 was responsible for the downfall of Signature Bank.

“I don’t think that had any impact,” Frank told Politico. “They hadn’t stopped examining banks.”

According to Politico, Frank “blames Signature’s failure on a panic that began with last year’s cryptocurrency collapse — his bank was one of few that served the industry — compounded by a run triggered by the failure of tech-focused Silicon Valley Bank late last week.”


@BD66 Repealing it also doesn't help. I think it's all Zen (which operates whether I pay attention to it or not).

@rainmanjr Repealing unnecessary or overbearing regulations is a huge help, particularly for small businesses. As the government creates more and more regulations, the cost for complying with all of those regulations goes up all the time. As the cost for compliance increases, profitable small companies become unprofitable small companies, and you drive them out of business.

@BD66 Aw. Is our safety costing poor wittle small business owners money? I give back to them the same respect they're showing for us.


Haha... yeah, they banned me as well after a couple of replies. There's no reasoning with most of those people. Intellectual honesty just isn't in their wheel-house.


America's infrastructure has been decaying for decades with the enthusiastic compliance of both parties. I agree, politicizing this event is stupid, both parties are equally guilty. That's how American politics works these days, something goes wrong, it's the other party's fault! Yawn.


Four years are a lot of time for doing a lot of damage, if you're the puppet of forces that are eager to tear down as many regulations as possible.


It's amazing how stupid people are, isn't it? Same thing happened to me recently. I eat plain oatmeal 6 days a week for breakfast, for lunch, I have 3 rice cakes, and for dinner I have large salads without dressing. On Saturdays, however, I'm never home, so for breakfast I have a McDonald's Big Breakfast and get a Bacon, Egg, & Cheese McGriddle for a mid-morning snack. For lunch, I have a super-sized Big Mac meal with extra Mac sauce to dip my fries in. For dinner I get a Double Quarter Pounder meal and get extra mayo and double cheese (it's so much better like that) and a few Apple Pies for dessert. Anyway, last week I go in to get my labs drawn before my doctor visit and my cholesterol is super high. The hilarious part? That dummy thinks it's the meals I'm eating on Saturday that's causing it. Can you believe it? I mean, it's OBVIOUSLY what I eat SIX days a week that's got to be causing it, not what I eat only ONE day. Some people are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable.

What a horrible comparison.

@Tejas I wouldn't expect a total fucking idiot to be able to see the parallel, even with how obvious it is.


It takes years to build a corporation's stability and reputation. It only takes a few weeks to destroy it. It then takes years to rebuild it.
The same applies to nations. Obama was a builder. Trump a destroyer. Biden is now having to struggle to rebuild America and its reputation


No shortage of blame to go around...

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