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LINK This Christian claims her three amputated toes were regrown during a prayer service

It only took 30 minutes, according to Missouri's James River Church. There's no video.

During a service earlier today at James River Church in Springfield, Missouri, a montage was played during which church members talked about miracles that occurred to them.

Some of them was the usual flavor of “miracle” where people said they were in pain, got prayed over, then magically felt better. But the final anecdote in the montage came from a woman whose story stretched every bit of credulity. (You can see it in context here around the 6:18:30 mark.)

The woman explained that she had three toes amputated after an accident. At a healing service, a person next to her asked if she wanted new toes. (Let’s assume she told that person her story.)

A group of women, we’re told, prayed over her foot, at which point she decided to take her shoe off “to see what was happening.”

snytiger6 9 Mar 20

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I reckon they soaked her feet in Miracle Gro!? 🤠


Hey, I'll convert if church service can make a certain body part grow...


I used to see YouTube ads for a pastor that claimed God can and does indeed heal amputees. Wish I could remember his name. Think he was out of Oklahoma. I even exchanged comments with him on YT. He insisted that with the proper faith it was possible. It said as much on his website. His video ad pitch said to come on down to his service for healing including of missing limbs. Not that it matters but he wasn't even doing the money pitch (at least up front). He seemed sincere in his delusions.


You can be sure they will be talking money at the event. And passing out cards to tun in with contact info like physical address, phone and email. .


Lying for Christ isn't a good look.


She's lying plain and simple. The only one she will convince is believers.


She could have had a cross breed mother from a lizard. Only a very very long shot in a mad mad lab experiments.

Salamanders have more regenerative powers.


... by three o'clock...


Still waiting for my exorcist on film to be shown. That would be a hell of a show.


Not a cell phone video in sight, and nothing about being Amish.

Not even a verifiable x-ray. And pretty sure there would be an x-ray.

Religio wackadoos lie and see it as a good thing.


What a great whopper,... er,... testimonial. Yeah, when I was in Nam, during a firefight, my buddy was praying and I saw a bullet stop in mid-air next to his head and then zoom off in the other direction...

So THAT'S what I did wrong !!
I didn't pray so the bullet went right through me, leaving me forced to grapple with my attacker instead.


Lying like this really needs to be criminalized.
I'm sick of this bullshit.


All religions should be criminalized for fraud, perversion, sexual abuse, genocide, stealing money, property fraud, and Tax evasion!!!

@of-the-mountain I don't think the lie itself should be criminalized. However I do think that telling the lie to raise money should be.


Three toes. Sounds like a slothful woman. I had two fingers on my right hand surgically put back together, but that was thanks to a miracle of modern medical procedures and an excellent surgeon.
P.S. Thanks to another modern development in Europe, that has yet to reach the US, my treatment was free.

Our christians are all something called “libertarians” here….so no free medical gonna be invented in these parts ever….🙏🏼

@Buck I had a NDE, asked god if there would be socialized medicine in the USA and it said; "It could be possible, but not in my lifetime".

If a doctor came forward to say the toes regrew it might be half believable.

@snytiger6 What do you call the guy who graduated last in his med school class?




Instead of the children’s game of got your nose, they played got your toes still in your shoes!!!

A very usual game for these evangelical kids to play when with each other, like “ Blind Man’s Bluff”!!!

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